I have some more questions.
1. How many skills do you choose for your character?
My level 20 character... The bow is the killing skill. One-hand is used as a back up, but no perks are chosen for that. Magic is used, heavy in Illusion, Restoration and Fire Destruction. Wears a mix of heavy and light armor (looks only), no perks chosen in either of those either. One-hand, and the armors are slowly leveling, but not by me forcing it.
Enchanting, but no Alchemy or Smithing. No other skills than what I've mentioned, other than things like lockpick and sneak which occur anyway.
Game feels really balanced right now. Some things kick my ass, some things are easy. Playing DiD.... sometimes it's pretty scary. Vampire patrols are to be feared.
^^Basically... the bottom line question that I am really asking.. is, if you played the game in a vacuum, would the leveling of each skill support itself in getting all the perks?
Light Armor Skill has less perks than, say, Illusion Magic. Does LA level slower then? Or do you have leftover points you drop into a different skill? See what I"m asking?
This ties into the how many skills do you choose, question. Does choosing 6 skills mean that you can perk 7 skills? Does choosing different combos of skills, net you different totals for points? I also realize, that you can never choose to perk anything... but still, the question remains.
2. On another note, if I don't Smith, does this mean that I will never be able to craft my own arrows? If I cannot smith higher gear for myself (because of my own choosing of no smithing) where can I go, and who can I pay to do this for me? Is there a particular smith somewhere?
3. On another smithing note. What's the max grade armor improvement I can achieve without choosing to perk smith, and just letting it rise naturally? Do I hurt myself in the end by not choosing to make better gear for myself?