Very short and objective question:
How many slots the guild bank have?
Very short and objective question:
How many slots the guild bank have?
Not any more. Got nerfed to 500 a couple patches back. That was one heck of a decon fest.
and it takes 10 individual accounts to access a guild bank 1 account wont cut it
oO they don't want anyone to store things, even guilds
yeah they basically just want to have the player wearing and carrying the bare necessities needed to pvp they really arent interested in building a world of players from all gaming walks of life which is fine
Have they gone and bought the world's worst deal on data storage for their servers or something, then passed the bad times onto us.
It's like they're looking at each slot as being worth 50 cents a month rent or something
Ha! 500 slots is ridiculous. Guilds can have up to 500 members, right? So 1 slot per member. Come on now. I say 5 slots per member for calculating the the max slots with a minimum of 300.
No it don't make much sense, again invetory limits has gameplay effects as you can not carry so much loot back, it also need to stay in shard memory as you must be able to access it fast.
Guild bank is not on shard server, you get an wait time for loading it.
Anyway, you would not store anything else than junk in the guild bank as any member who get access can loot it all. No way to divide it up so higher level or higher ranked members has access to higher parts.
They will probably make it upgradeable, at least I hope so.
500 Slots sounds incredibly high to me. I come from a free to play (pay to win) MMO where your guild bank gets 32 slots until it gets leveled up through experience and gold donations. Every few levels the guild warehouse opens up another 32 slots so for me 500 is like mind blowingly big. 500 sounds good to me because we've been struggling with storage in my current MMO guild for months to the point where guild members are having to store gear for their class in their personal warehouses.
Yes this
Probably the real inventory is part of their Plan B otherwise the inventory limits -supposedly for a subscription based MMORPG- should not be that restricted.
You know, when someone announces that they have unequivocally decided not to buy a game, and even gets a refund on their preorder, one would think that they know, not continue complaining on the forums of said game that it is not what they wanted? You've made your choice. If you could just go ahead and let those sleeping dogs lie, that'd be great.
It's bad enough that you're getting so indignant about not being able to have a guild bank just for personal storage. Really, that's absurd.
capped 500 is crap. If start with 500 and let players expand it by gold . It is a good way to burn money to not have too much gold fluctating arround.
It not that absurd, people create guilds to play with their family and very close friends. ZOS is driving them away because they won't be part of large guilds; 10 accounts is an excessive requirement.
I don't understand you people, it seems some of you want to make TESO another ghost town. The success of a mmo is its massiveness of the player base. To do that, the game must try to cover all bases.
Excuse me for saying this, but who the hell wants 500 members in his/her guild?
500 is probably enough for the guild bank, max limit on members is 300 but as it has no ways of restricting access outside of access/ no access you will either fill it with junk for low level players or restrict access to the level 50 long term members and use for them. You can use the guild store as an sort of bank too is selling items very cheap, yes this might be an bad idea if you end up in controll over an keep by accident
He's not asking for a small 'friends and family' guild though, is he? He wants guild storage, all for his ownsome.
Trading guilds?
Massive PvP guilds?
Massive Raiding guilds?