Fun post to generate interest in the Lore... Please let me know your experiences with them (guessing there limited to shrines XD). You ever find a deity your character's were particularly fond of, or deities who you'd love to slay?
Well, I (like many others, I'm sure) did all the Daedric shrine quests in Oblivion (Oghma Infinium FTW) and I visited a Wayshrine to each of the 9 Divines for the Knights of the Nine DLC (such an awesome DLC), so I know the lot...!
Go to Weynon, put all your possessions in Jauffre's chest, except a plain robe. Now without using the map, and without trading, do the pilgrimage. That's how to earn the Pilgrim's Grace. In Daggerfall, I ended up doing quests for the temple of Dibella, but this time I hope there is a chapel of some form to Kyne.
would you be likely to keep books of that deity in your home in skyrim, and did you in cyrodil?
We have seen the statue of Dibella in the demo, yet another case of gotta collect 'em all. I really want to find some some new lore concerning Kyne in-game, after all, it was her daughters who first taught mortal Thu'um.