How many times will the calendar cycle?

Post » Sat Apr 05, 2014 12:38 am

If you couldn't gather from the title above, I am asking a question that has got me thinking. How many times do you think the Skyrim calendar will cycle through every month? Silly question, yes, but it got me thinking. Is there an established boundary to how far the game will allow time to flow? If the game starts in 4E 201 of whatever month, could it go on in game for... 300 more years, or would it glitch? There is this one documentary I once watched about these two guys striving to be the best Donkey Kong arcade players in the world, and I found at one part that apparently that game has no end. You just keep going until the game crashes, assuming you live that long. That is soooooooort of the same thing I guess. I only bring that up for the sake of anology, although it may not be very good. I'm not sure if this has been tested or can even be tested, but can one game of Skyrim go on indefinitely, or will you eventuallt encounter some gamebreaking Y2K glitch after a certain point?
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Kristina Campbell
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