» Sun May 18, 2014 2:27 pm
I think Njordr about sums it up:
I've done it so many times I'm just tired of it. I've spent countless hours traveling back and forth from Warmaiden's to Dragonsreach, when I could've been out enjoying the game. But my characters had far too weak armor & weapons to be effective against even a Bandit Thug. For instance, I don't really use my vampire assassin anymore, because he just can't deal out good damage, since he's level 47 and only has like a 40 something Smithing, which is hardly enough to improve weapons & armor effectively.
Certain builds require smithing to be effective, like say a warrior. Enchanting is a must for anyone I think, but I'll only use Alchemy if I plan on taking the character to high levels. I wouldn't use it for any of the other skills though, not at all; it's just the trade skills that are so mundane.