....are like me and tend to get bored with wearing the same armor for an extended period of time? I dunno, after awhile I get tired of looking at the same armor, despite how great it might be. I guess the same thing goes for weapons.
....are like me and tend to get bored with wearing the same armor for an extended period of time? I dunno, after awhile I get tired of looking at the same armor, despite how great it might be. I guess the same thing goes for weapons.
Yep, at first your like "damn this looks amazing im never gonna get bored of this" then later on its like "eugh, its lost its spice."
Its human nature, we're never content.
Sometimes I'll even stick with lower leveled light armor (rarely use heavy) just because of the looks.
I was all excited about my new Stalhrim Light Armor, heheh...
Until I saw photos of myself looking like a little popsicle, standing next to the Ebony Warrior.
But yes; I know just what you mean. Agree!
Unfortunately, I made the Stalhrim Armor back when the Restoration Potion exploit was still in effect...
So it's difficult to give up on.
I'm trying to find some Robes now, that look good with my Stalhrim gauntlets and boots.
And the Stalhrim shield looks just great... on the wall!
I don't. When I find an armor that suits my character, I usually keep it for the rest of the game unless the story changes - for example, if I join a guild and decide to wear guild armor from now on. It depends on the guild too; as an assassin I want to blend in, so I don't wear that silly Dark Brotherhood costume. But after joining the Legion I wanted to look like a soldier, so I used Imperial armor until the war was over.
I know I'll change into some regular clothes if Im staying in a city or town for an extended period of time.
It took a bit longer because as a true defender of Skyrim, I couldn't refuse when a Jarl asked me to help him with a little bandit problem. Then I stumbled upon a conspiracy and got thrown into jail. I was so beat when I left that I had to take a break, but I ran into some Forsworn and well, you know how it goes...
I would usually rotate between Steel Plate, Nordic Carved and Dwarven. At times, I would go for Wolf Armor too.
I do like the wolf armor. That, along with ebony are probably the only two that I visually like.
What do you guys/girls do about weapons? Same thing?
That's what's happen when you play on third person view. I play on first person view and I'm rarely bored with what my characters wear.
Nord Hero, Nordic Carved or Dwarven for me. But I would also take the Mace of Molag Bal along.
I've stuck with my Penitus oculatus armour since release.
I RP my clothing decisions based on the environment, battle, dungeon I plan on raiding. It changes almost always, but I when i'm just haning out, i'll revert back to my wanderer armor. Its a Ranger Hood (renamed mage hood + small boost to archery and alchemy), iron armor and skall boots & gloves. Pretty good looking nomad/ vagabond/ wilderness explorere combo IMHO.
This exactly.
I liked the novice college robes so much that I conjured up a few unenchanted sets after the fights started to become difficult just so I could stick to them. It wasn't until I started the Dragonborn questline that I changed into Stalhrim light armor or Imperial Light armor for the Legion. I didn't keep the legion armor afterwards though.
I don't get bored with my armors and weapons. When I come across something that captures my attention I just take my previous gear and store it in my house to wear again later. My current favorite is some fiendish looking Falmer heavy armor-
Is there any way of obtaining it on console without killing one of them?
I wear clothes when adventuring sometimes .... when I forget to put my armor back on when leaving the house/town. One time I accidently fought a bandit chief with my clothes on - I found out when I saw myself being gutted in his kill-cam. Oops crap forgot my armor!
I rarely switch armor. My main character who is a Nord warrior and uses light armor wore Fur for pretty much the whole game until I installed Dawnguard, then I fell in love with the dark brown Dawnguard outfit paired with the Brown colored Mage Hood, and he has been wearing that ever since.
My newer character, a Dunmer spellsword has 50 hours played already and he has worn the same outfit the entire time(yellow/brown dunmer outfit with brown mage hood).