Allow multiple spells of varying levels to be "loaded" into each hand, then when you use that hand you fire all spells loaded into it at once, and it costs the cumulative mana total of all spells.
GUI in the new menu system is an open hand with spells being drag-droped onto fingers, thus avoiding any "spreadsheety" feel that some dread, and giving a combo cap (4/5 spells only, 1 per finger/thumb).
Combining the "flame thrower" with armor disintegrate and life drain would look like this in the new interface;
- All you pick is a spell and rank for a finger... easy intuitive, non-numbers based magic.
- Spell's with a 'maintained ' mode are all maintained, for the cumulative total mana drain, and instant spells would be fired on trigger only at the begining of a maintain.
- Spell combos can be saved like favourite weapon loadouts.
- Casting would be balanced around mana use obviously, where casting multiple spells in the one hand costs as much as casting each spell together, posibly with a small modifier to increase the cost by 5% or something.
- This type of ballancing would work well with perks decreasing spell cost across the different schools.
- I think such a system would be "simple but deep", fairly balanced and fitting with the new approach for Magika in Skyrim.
So the question for all those skilled modders; Without knowing the new toolset how hard would something like this be to mod into the game do you think?