How Moddable would this be?

Post » Tue Oct 04, 2011 7:28 pm

Since Beth seem like they cant figure out how to, or simply don't want to, how hard would a basic "spell-maker" like the below be to add via a mod?

Allow multiple spells of varying levels to be "loaded" into each hand, then when you use that hand you fire all spells loaded into it at once, and it costs the cumulative mana total of all spells.
GUI in the new menu system is an open hand with spells being drag-droped onto fingers, thus avoiding any "spreadsheety" feel that some dread, and giving a combo cap (4/5 spells only, 1 per finger/thumb).
Combining the "flame thrower" with armor disintegrate and life drain would look like this in the new interface;

  • All you pick is a spell and rank for a finger... easy intuitive, non-numbers based magic.
  • Spell's with a 'maintained ' mode are all maintained, for the cumulative total mana drain, and instant spells would be fired on trigger only at the begining of a maintain.
  • Spell combos can be saved like favourite weapon loadouts.
  • Casting would be balanced around mana use obviously, where casting multiple spells in the one hand costs as much as casting each spell together, posibly with a small modifier to increase the cost by 5% or something.
  • This type of ballancing would work well with perks decreasing spell cost across the different schools.
  • I think such a system would be "simple but deep", fairly balanced and fitting with the new approach for Magika in Skyrim.

So the question for all those skilled modders; Without knowing the new toolset how hard would something like this be to mod into the game do you think?
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Sweets Sweets
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Post » Tue Oct 04, 2011 4:18 pm

It all depends on the new scripting language functions. It would definitely be possible in Oblivion, at least with OBSE support. We'll just have to wait and see, but if a script extender like OBSE will be possible in Skyrim, mods like this will definitely be developed. I'm optimistic myself.

I like your finger idea btw (that sounds wrong). It should be possible to even mod in the correct finger movements, with finger animations with proper bone priority settings.
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Gaelle Courant
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 12:58 am


the game isnt out yet and youre already thinking of mods to reintroduce a broken mechanic that was removed for a very good and valid reason?

for shame! :sadvaultboy:
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Damien Mulvenna
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 5:14 am


the game isnt out yet and youre already thinking of mods to reintroduce a broken mechanic that was removed for a very good and valid reason?

for shame! :sadvaultboy:

Did you even read the OP? He isn't suggesting the old spell making, just an advanced method of combining spells on the fly. One spell for each finger, rather than one spell for each hand.
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Stacy Hope
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 1:19 am

it all depends on the new toolset .... but since todd said that the tools will be greater than oblivion one and will allow moders more freedom when modding i think it will be possible :thumbsup:
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Isaac Saetern
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Post » Tue Oct 04, 2011 9:08 pm

honestly... your finger idea would make it unbalanced... unless you also modded in that archers could fire 5 shots at a time or dual wielding turned into edward scissorhands
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Laurenn Doylee
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Post » Tue Oct 04, 2011 3:39 pm


the game isnt out yet and youre already thinking of mods to reintroduce a broken mechanic that was removed for a very good and valid reason?

for shame! :sadvaultboy:

Yes, because spell research is a fundamental part to being a mage for many people. If it was a "broken" mechanic, maybe Bethesda should have focused on FIXING what was broken instead of just removing it. Sorry, but no mage I play is simply going to be buying their spells from a store and being satisfied with casting simplified "flame throwers". Magic is supposed to be the THINKING mans weapon, except Bethesda chose to remove the whole having to THINK part from it.

As for the OP, yes, there will be plenty of mods that reintroduce spell creation and reseach. I myself will be working on it. I will likely be looking at using the crafting system, where a mage can gather various research items and create their own spell effect from their combination. Will have to see how the editor handles spells.
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Darlene Delk
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Post » Tue Oct 04, 2011 7:08 pm

Skyrim will be moddable but as to how much flexiability Steam allows you is still up in the air.
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 2:15 am

To answer the Title Subject Question.

Let me refer you to this video.

Skyrim will be moddable but as to how much flexiability Steam allows you is still up in the air.

Going by Morrowind, Oblivion, FO3, FONV:
Steam allows for total modification, including steam compatible script enhancers.
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Andrea Pratt
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 3:42 am

honestly... your finger idea would make it unbalanced... unless you also modded in that archers could fire 5 shots at a time or dual wielding turned into edward scissorhands

I think the limitation is the mana drain. If the combined base mana of the spells is not sufficient then just add a multiplier per finger so a 2 finger spell costs 110% of both spells, and a 3 finger spell costs 120% of all three spells.
Also you would have disabled dual handed spell casting if your using a custom spell combo in one hand, so thats another downside. You have to chose between an empowered flame thrower, or a more expensive one handed version that also heals you... how is that imbalanced?

Comparing it to archers or melee is flawed in itself, that said though, whats to say archers don't have a perk that lets them fire multiple arrows at once? Melees get multiple attacks with each hand already via power-attacks.

Also magic is not just about damage, its about combining spells like you combine skills, like sneaking and attacking,

If you think it would lack balance because one can combine multiple damage spells then you could limit the spells that can be combined, but that would be more complex to use and build I bet and IMO unecisary.
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