How Do I Modify NIF Files?

Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 4:08 pm

Hey everyone, I am by no means a modder, though I'm familiar with the Construction Set from when I used to tweak things in Morrowind. In Morrowind, clothing consisted of a number of body part replacements (like a "Pants" item would replace pelvis, upper legs, knees, and lower legs with specific pieces), and these parts were all accessible in the CS. But Oblivion's CS seems to work a little differently. What I'm trying to do is modify certain clothing items in the game by adding parts from other existing clothing items (for instance, adding the lower leg pieces of the "Blue & Green Outfit" to "Breeches", or creating black shoes and gloves by using the foot and hand pieces of the "Dark Brotherhood Robe"). Can anyone tell me how to go about doing this? Thanks much.
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KIng James
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