That doesn't ring (the correct) bell, but I'm definitely foggy..
Was the *ORIGINAL* Wolfenstein 256 colour? I'm thinking maybe this was something from between Wolfenstein native & when it was actually named, "Wolfenstein 3D," but I may be manufacturing that memory, too.. Not that it should surprise anyone, but the games I'm talking about were available on 3.5" floppy (I believe 720k only). *GAAH!* It's going to kill me. I may have to ask dear old Dad to look through his archives, 'cause he may still have them (if it's not admitting too much, he actually still DOES have a cassette from back in our TRaSh-80 Model III days, when he sprung for the extended 48k RAM, but NOT the 5.25" floppy drive, so all our programming was saved on cassette).