Hey guys so i'm really curious about how much house would support the smaller communities around vegas (i haven't done enough playthroughs with him to get it fully). So I can see how a lot of the things he did before the came could be justified, but my real focus is what he does once he's in power. I can gather that he will establish a strong federal government (himself) with a powerful army (securitrons), I know he will develop a lot of tech, but will it just be for big picture space ships or will he also put money towards things like farming and medicine that he will share with the people. I know he talks about how he won't abuse his power because he doesn't care about what people do in their free time, but does that mean he will just totally ignore the people or will he do things like help keep their community safe, rebuild buildings for businesses and factories, build hospitals and clinics. So could someone just help me better understand his philosophy and his dream for the city of Vegas itself. Thanks!
Well, I wouldn't say a 'strong' federal government, mostly because House's 'rule' of the Mojave is notably absent of ruling or governance of any kind. Which is both good and bad, it's good in the sense that there is minimal governmnental intrusion on their everyday lives(because there isn't any), but bad in the sense he really just kind of leaves everyone to their own devices. He dosen't really provide a whole lot of security or any other basic services outside of The Strip, and if you're barely making ends meet while working your hands to the bone day in, day out, well tough [censored], this is laissez-faire capitalism, trickle-down economics, and social darwinism at its purest form. House is essentially like a Republican dream come true. Sure, there's practically no taxes (lest you have the NCR take over Primm) but then again, you get what you pay for. Zero. Zip. Nada. It's great if you can say 'I got mine!' but for everyone else, not so much.