Just curious about how much hp these things have, since everyone says they're made of tissue paper.
Just curious about how much hp these things have, since everyone says they're made of tissue paper.
drop the console down , click on it and write
getav health
not much. I was on the roof of some building and saw one circling and decided to see how much punishment they could take. after only a couple shots to one of the engines with a combat riffle it started smoking. several more shots and it started to go down. didn't see it crash, but i knew it did when I got a little xp
For thr amount ive stood at the burning wreckage, theres no way the prydwen carried that many, you'd have thoughtthey would have learnt a lesson from the capital wasteland, since the enclave have the air power, now they do, and its like sitting in a box kite with a pistol, hueys had pylon mounted guns and they stood off and fired, using 2 forward mounted guns where you have to point the aircraft to fire them, maybe air to air but javing to tilt the aircraft down to aim is stupid plus where have the missiles gone, and why arent they always flying out with door gunners, ive seen more vertibirds with no miniguns than with, if they are so fragile you need to get a few level an area drop troops in and then stand off and provide fire support while your ground troops are clearing up, ill i ever see are suicide missions.
I sneezed in the vicinity of a vertibird and the damm thing blew up!
those things are a joke. imo, they should have made them a little tougher, a whole lot smarter, and made a lot fewer of them. i have probably seen close to 200 of them shot down on my highest lvl character. not seeing any bos ppl walking around picking up cans to make new ones.