Yea, I think they should stop doing this and they will, not sure if TES 6 but some day. The market will probably force them in the end, the general public will become more and more bored with the easy johndoeproof inflation of games and will start asking for more depth, more stats, more dialogue, real consequences for their choices, decent AI. The only way to set a trend is the competition to release a game that actually does compete TES. At the moment, the Gothic series is dead and Witcher didn't sell too well.
If there is one thing the public do not have it is taste or depth of interest. Really, the main reason we got in-depth RPGs is because computers were an expensive hobby for middle-aged nerds. Now that the proles are allowed on the internet you can expect any large company to go to crap, because they need to satisfy the morons to stay in business.
This is why niche-publishers are always the best publishers. Because the majority is always wrong. I'm sure in 10 years or so Paradox Interactive will start putting out rubbish games and I'll have to restrict myself to playing Matrix games.
What we need to do is to stop expecting the mass-market to produce niche products and instead keep on the lookout for small, dedicated publishers with personal projects. The problem is not commercialization, it is customer focus. Large game publishers make Hondas. Your hardcoe fan of classic games, however, is looking for a Delorian. The problem is that some people at Bethesda want to make her a publisher like EA; and thus she is no longer able to maintain quality status in the niche market she once utterly dominated - the first-person RPG.