As a Norwegian, I don't hope they ruin it by adding typical "vikingclishés". Everybody should know that we did not use helmets with horns, like in some of the pics in GI. I do know now this is a fantasygame, so I am not actually pissed over it. I just hope it does not strenghten the stereotype of us "nords". We were not more brutal than other european tribes, we were actually quite peaceful merchants. It is positive that the scenery I have seen so far looks very much like norwegian scenery.
"Ein dag vil sanninga drepa l?gnen om v?rt opphav"
Heh... The Scandinavians are on the warpath it seems...
But it's true. These pop-cultural views on ancient norse culture as it is presented in movies and games has nothing or very little in common with how it really was back then. My favorite example is the horned helmets - as mentioned above: horned helmets from the viking-age has never been found, but nowadays it's more or less synonymous with Vikings. Like the vision of Vikings being some big, primitive maniacs with heavy axes- It's totally wrong, man! The Vikings were extremely sophisticated. They were traders and farmers, and of course seafarers- They had a major advantage on that account, their ships being superior to anything else back then, but piracy wasn't their primary duties. I know the word 'viking' means 'pirate', but that's not fair. Their terror wasn't accidential, but bottomed in ordinary powerpolitical considerations and interests. The only reason for their bad reputation was that they weren't christianized...
On another note: I like the ordinary pop-culturalized viking. He's much funnier than the historical one, so I'm not criticizing, just saying...