I am not a professional game developer, but I have some experience due to my years of work with D2X-XL, and I'd like to present my thoughts about this issue.
First of all, from all I've seen, most propositions for game content coming from the game community are completely standard and vanilla and nothing the devs wouldn't know and consider themselves and have greater expertise to judge than the community. There are few ideas that really stand out from the banolity of the rest, and as a dev I would consider only these and see whether they fit into my time and development schedules and the overall concept of the game.
What I have also learned from my time with D2X-XL is that whenever you give a configuration option to the game users, there are some who will find a way to break the program with it - usually because they cannot be bothered to really understand what that option does.
What the community can do is to give the devs a good idea about what the game in its entirety should look and feel like, but even this is only true if there are enough people submitting their ideas to be truly representative.
So if I was a dev I'd make sure to distill what is really useful for my game from the communitie's input and gladly ignore everything else. If I wouldn't, and I would pack my game full with all that people would like to see in it, I would not only very likely not be able to deliver the game in time and in a truly working state, but I would also risk that exactly those people who yelled so loud at me what I should put in the game are the very first to put it down just as loud or even louder whenever any of these features doesn't work as desired or breaks.
There you have it, community. You may not like to hear it, but game development needs a sound foundation, and imvho most of you are not able to provide that.


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