» Sat May 28, 2011 10:59 am
My avatar is a Nord. I myself look nothing like a Nord, being small and wimpy rather than large and hardy. That said, I did try to put something of myself into his face. For one thing he's bald, even more so than me. (I still have a bit left up top.) The stubbly face reflects my own, a characteristic inherited from my father. I almost always look in need of a shave, even after just doing so. Used to get me in trouble during my military days. The tired, squinty eyes are mine, as is the pale skin. (I tend to burn rather than tan, or did back when I didn't shun sunlight.) I strove for a pleasant if homely face, another close fit. Oh yeah, he's old like me. (I hit the big SIX-ZERO last month.)
But again, despite the above he looks little like me. Comparing the two of use side by side I doubt you'd see the connection.
As to how long it took, I no longer remember. My tendency is to spend as long as it takes to get the look I want if and when that's possible. I'm sure I did that to some extent with this avatar. He was, however, originally conceived as a throw-away character with which to learn game mechanics. Only, I ended up relating to him so strongly I never "rerolled". I doubt he'd look much if any different had I created him for longevity from the get-go.