I assume 360. 360 is for people who might spend a couple of hours a day gaming and does not have the same abilities as a computer. Same goes for PS3 and any console for that matter next gen or not.
So him buying a new xbox wich he allready has solves what? Does not solve the problem of him wanting a better machine. He allready has a 360 and wants a good computrer. The machine I prettty much showed him moniters itself telling him whats wrong with it. if it starts to overheat (all computers do this) then it adjusts the fan speeds for him. its also below his limit and its more power than what he will be using and it will last longer than 3 years. Most parts have a 3-5 year warranty and one will has a lifetime warranty. Also the parts are OC certified meaning they will stand up way longer under their normal setting since he probably will not OC them. I also left room for expansion if he ever needs it. But I built him an enthusiast machine. If you want to play anygame at max settings for the next few years thats pretty much what you need. ATI cards from what I know have alot of micro stuttering and most games are made using nividia cards as a base (as in the compy that made the game typicaly use nividia cards) ATI cards tend to have a hard time runnig things like physicsx. Its up to him im biased to intel and nividia parts. (I owned a AMD computer first computer I put together. ATI almost fried another PC.) So Im kind of biased. I will say AMD/ATI built computers are cheaper and thats ok for some people but some may want intel/nividia computers as thats what they know or trust. I put the pc together with parts i know will last can the motherboard can inform if if somthing is wrong (good for a person who does not know if somthing might be going wrong with his system or what to look for)
DO NOT BUY FROM GOODWILL EVER! They dont know what they have how it works if it even works no warranties no nothing. You will be lucky oh so very lucky if the parts last 1 year or 2. Kind of why those parts are there in the first place they are past their prime or the previous person did somthing to it that made him want to give it to good will.
I had a 1t 7200 RPM 6mb cahce HD in my other computer performed the same as above... and I had all my games and music and movies and I only took up 300gig 500 is more than enough because I had like 20-30 games installed