i have to say i am really excited for this and its possibly the coolest thing on a video game ive seen in years as not only do i get to customise my play style with so many guns but i get to choose my ammo aswell its basically the only game ive seen this system in and i cant wait to try it but i was wondering what everyone else thought about this?
I'll be playing hardcoe mode everytime I will ever play New Vegas so ammo will play a big part. I plan to only carry the same caliber for my main weapon and back up weapon. Always have .22 rounds. The same caliber but different type will be welcome. It will not be like FO3 were I can have every caliber for every weapon.
Not much, I'm an Energy Weapons, Explosives and Melee character. EW has very universal ammo, no need for a lot of it. Explosives, I tend to use grenades and mines alot which weighs 0.5 each. Melee, what ammo?
Not much, I'm an Energy Weapons, Explosives and Melee character. EW has very universal ammo, no need for a lot of it. Explosives, I tend to use grenades and mines alot which weighs 0.5 each. Melee, what ammo?
What if you can make custom energy cells and whatnot?
I'll be playing hardcoe mode everytime I will ever play New Vegas so ammo will play a big part. I plan to only carry the same caliber for my main weapon and back up weapon. Always have .22 rounds. The same caliber but different type will be welcome. It will not be like FO3 were I can have every caliber for every weapon.
I think they took the .22 rounds out of the game.
I think 5.56 replaces ammunition for the Varmint rifle and any other .22 using gun.
I think 5.56 replaces ammunition for the Varmint rifle and any other .22 using gun.
The Vault still has the .22 pistol and Silenced .22 SMG. If there's another .22 rifle I'll be happy.
On another Topic
The weapon being shown is the Silenced .22 SMG. It is integrally suppressed. The front grip, as some of you have noted, is using an odd animation. New stances are difficult to add, but the left hand grip is something that can be set per-weapon. We are looking into it.
Things might have changed since but I hope it's still the same.
I think it will be pretty important seeing as I can't carry 3000 or so rounds for every gun I'll need to make ammo count and find guns with the same ammo type.
If I'm playing hardcoe mode yeah it will affect my playthrough but on my non hardcoe playthroughs I'm gonna use every type of ammo there is :flamethrower:
As a long time RPG fan, and one who looks at Fallout as more of an RPG than an FPS, I really love crunching the numbers to optimize how well my character does in combat. Custom ammo gives me even more numbers to play with. :fallout: