I find it funny that almost every single thread that somebody opens about adding a element to to the game there's always some people saying: " Somebody will do a mod for this...",
"This can be fixed with mods..". Its quite ridiculous in my opinion that its always expected that the mod community will solve the problems. Its like you don't believe the game will go beyond a certain point and after that its up to the modders to create the rest.
I have all respect for the modders and i love their work, but there are many things that cannot be fixed by modding simply because they were game design decisions.
Is it really right to expect to have the modders do that work all the time?
I think it's dead wrong to expect or demand of Bethesda to do anything at all.
In a free market economy they are entirely at liberty to package a turd and call it TES V. It is 100% your choice whether to buy it or not.
Many threads on this forum speculate about what might be included in the game as Feature "X" or "Y" and some of us, based on comments made by the devs so far, might be able to help someone verify that Feature "X" is not going to be in the game, or very unlikely to be in the game.
As far as mods go, if you have experience running an install with hundreds of mods for Oblivion or Morrowind, or even some experience just surfing through all the tens of thousands of mods that are available for download, then you would know that 99% of the features people might want that are not in the game can be incorporated into a mod (and probably will be).