How to not turn into a god in Skyrim *minor spoilers*

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:17 pm

Just follow these simple steps to not turn into a god in Skyrim

1. Dont use Smithing
2. Dont use Enchanting
3. Dont use Alchemy
3. Dont use Sneaking
4. Dont use Illusion pre lvl 40
5. Dont use Conjuration
6. Dont use Archery (yet more balanced without Sneaking)
7. Dont become a Nightingale

These skills have certain elements to them that render them gamebreaking and makes Master Difficulty easy as pie. In my opinion it renders the old Oblivion spellmaking which was considered overpowered a minor balance issue.

Which leaves you with the options of:
Alteration, Block, Light Armor, Destruction, Heavy Armor, Lockpicking, One-handed, Pickpocket, Restoration, Two-handed & Speech.

Anyone actually disagree? Asking those who actually have used these trees to their full advantage.

If your below lvl 30 dont awnser this post please!
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:33 pm

8. Actually roleplay or put on gear you like because of it's looks rather than min-maxing?..

Just a tip...
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Petr Jordy Zugar
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:55 am

Might as well just not play the game. Seems like swinging a sword or casting a spell is an exploit to you.
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Meghan Terry
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:56 am

Might as well just not play the game. Seems like swinging a sword or casting a spell is an exploit to you.

Actually, Destruction isn't on his list...
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:06 pm

The trolls aren't even trying to hide it now :)

Most skills are fine in moderation.. hence the powergame/munchkin anologies.

If your skill is godlike.. you are godlike at this thing. Thats the idea..
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Kayleigh Williams
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:00 pm

Alchemy isn't bad.. It's abusing other skills with alchemy to make it bad.. If you say alchemy then add restoration to your list..
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:58 pm

8. Actually roleplay or put on gear you like because of it's looks rather than min-maxing?..

Just a tip...

This. I'm 100 Smithing and I could whip up full dragon armour and daedric weapons. But I wont because Dragonbone armour looks like [censored] IMO :D and Daedric is too curved and sinister looking, I like The scale armour, oh and steel plate armour! I'm also rocking a glass sword ( weakly enchanted just because I wanted to rename it :P ) I also roleplay, so in Theory my character isn't 100 Smithing, he's good at it and spends his days refining his skills.
OT: My point is all in all. Just roleplay and dont speed play The game and Max your character by spamming daggers or crappy enchants and potions.
Sorry for my spelling, damn iPhone "keyboard".
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tegan fiamengo
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:52 pm

You can still do all those things just don't abuse them. Level them at a normal pace. I don't agree with the point hording and then plonking it all in one tree to max it out. I use the skills I want to develop for this character and try to concentrate on those when I level up so that I level at a steady pace and don't become overpowered. Everything in moderation.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:53 am

No matter how much you roleplay these skills are too good when they reach higher tier.

Does not change the fact that they are gamebreaking. Master should be hard and not a walk in the park.
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Alex [AK]
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:52 am

Alchemy isn't bad.. It's abusing other skills with alchemy to make it bad.. If you say alchemy then add restoration to your list..

You could pretty much remove most of the problem by removing profession bonuses from gear or potions. Professions being alchemy, enchanting and blacksmithing. Sneaking damage multiplayer for daggers and other weapons should be also lowered. Problem solved.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:44 am

I find it funny how people complaining about people becoming Godmode wants us to not play the game for the game to provide a challenge on Master difficulity.


Also, people are not becoming god-mode, it's the game being too easy on Master difficulity. Especially Dragons.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:46 pm

From personal experience I would have to add Heavy Armor, Dual Wield, Alteration, the Atronarch sign and good gear you found.
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Far'ed K.G.h.m
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:13 pm

I am a roleplayer - NOT a "min-maxer" and still think the OP is right. At least about most.

You have to restrict yourself in many ways in order to try and not break the game. I have set many restrictions for myself too but having so many self-imposed restrictions is damn stupid, breaks immersion and makes this game's rich content go to waste.

Got sick of seeing - clearly - braindead people presenting the "you are a min-maxer" argument. You may not understand it now, but it's actually way better to actually put some effort into raising the skills, instead of putting effort to keep them at bay because they give you too many benefits and level up too fast. (Mostly talking about the crafting ones)
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Craig Martin
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:47 pm

I am a roleplayer - NOT a "min-maxer" and still think the OP is right. At least about most.

You have to restrict yourself in many ways in order to try and not break the game. I have set many restrictions for myself too but having so many self-imposed restrictions is damn stupid, breaks immersion and makes this game's rich content go to waste.

Got sick seeing clearly braindead people presenting the "you are a min-maxer" argument. You may not understand it now, but it's actually way better to actually put some effort in raising the skills, instead of putting effort to keep them at bay because they give you too many benefits and level up too fast.

I picked up the "perma death" restriction other players suggested and gave up some of the minor others in exchange.
It gives the original feeling of the game back, when there was danger, since one good enemy strike or bad planning is enough.
I have yet to die though, may not find it as fun if that happens ;)
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Roberta Obrien
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:13 pm

I find it funny how people complaining about people becoming Godmode wants us to not play the game for the game to provide a challenge on Master difficulity.


Also, people are not becoming god-mode, it's the game being too easy on Master difficulity. Especially Dragons.

I agree totally with the dragons being too easy. I am playing a mage, and I like Destruction so that is what I use the most, only use Conjuration if my companion and I get overwhelmed. Dragons don't require Conjuration, health or magicka potions, and only a minimal amount of strategy. As soon as they land I hit them with dualcast firebolts while my companion smacks them with enchanted weapons, use shouts to stagger them, and then they die. I mean, I have to heal more and drink more magicka pots for bandits than I do for dragons. Aren't dragons supposed to be mythical beasts with vasts amount of health that can tear you apart before you can say "Fus-Ro-Dah"(please excuse spelling, doing it from memory)? Dragons are so easy that I have stopped fighting them unless they flat out attack me or are attacking a city that I am in. I just wish the dragons would have been more than squishy meat bags that die way to fast to be afraid of them, even as a glass cannon Destruction mage.

EDIT: On topic, yeah if you use one crafting skill to boost another crafting skill you are crazy OP. Not sure if the game should be more difficult or if the skills should be less susceptible to exploitation, but there is an issue here.
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Thomas LEON
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:17 pm

How about you just don't take any perks. That effectively cuts your power by half most of the time and is certainly much better than crippling your playstyle by banning 1/3 of the skills.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:09 pm

Y'all toasting in a roll thread....
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yessenia hermosillo
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:41 pm

1. Dont use Smithing
2. Dont use Enchanting
3. Dont use Alchemy
3. Dont use Sneaking
4. Dont use Illusion pre lvl 40
5. Dont use Conjuration
6. Dont use Archery (yet more balanced without Sneaking)

These skills have certain elements to them that render them gamebreaking and makes Master Difficulty easy as pie. In my opinion it renders the old Oblivion spellmaking which was considered overpowered a minor balance issue.

Which leaves you with the options of:
Alteration, Block, Light Armor, Destruction, Heavy Armor, Lockpicking, One-handed, Pickpocket, Restoration, Two-handed & Speech.

1. I agree that smithing can be a little overpowered if you're doing it naturally but I only have 100 smithing to get a Legendary Daedric Sword and Dragon Scale. You should rather limit yourself on smithing and only allow yourself to upgrade weapons or something.
2. Yeah...agree.
3. Nah, alchemy is hard enough. It's balanced and has a fairly high set up procedure to find the correct ingredients
4. Really? I don't use illusion but is it really that bad? Really, the only thing I find useful in illusion are frenzy spells and invisibility
5. NO NO NO! Conjuration is legitimate. I don't use it but it's a great skill! Until you get to like Level 100, your summons die off pretty fast and you don't have enough magicka to do anything about it
6. Whut? No. Archery is terrible against battle rushing bandits. I got flattened in ten seconds flat with my stealth character and had to pull out Mehrunes Razor and even then, I barely survived

I really don't know what this whole Min/Max thing going on is. Can anybody tell me?
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Jamie Lee
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:09 am

How is Conjuration, alchemy and archery too powerful? I agree sneak's damage multiplier is OTT. Illusion is just a fun way of playing, it has a lot of weaknesses. Enchanting and smithing are fine if they're not leveled well past other skills.

To make a trait over power you literally have to go out of your way to make it so, if by doing to you break the game so be it. The worst kinda of games are the ones so restrictive it's impossible to have much fun with it.

TES's style of game makes it far better than most other games which try to balance out all this stuff by restricting everything.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:37 pm

Y u didn't list Heavy/Light armor trees?

Def capping with normal leather gear and going over 100% resistance ain't unbalanced enoug? :X
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:10 am

In my opinion it renders the old Oblivion spellmaking which was considered overpowered a minor balance issue.

Hah, no. I agree there are balance issues with every skill you listed, but Oblivion's spell making balance issues were far, far, far, far worse.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:52 pm

I really don't know what this whole Min/Max thing going on is. Can anybody tell me?

Maximising your character with minimum effort I believe, dosent have anything to do with this Thread though.
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Kortniie Dumont
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:23 pm

Seriously, I disagree with all people whining "they're overpowered", they did that themselves. Besides, "you're" Dragonborn, so you should become quite powerful eventually, isn't it?
If you find you're becoming overpowered, try walking another path. Become a great orator, invest your perks in Speech and Alchemy. Make some potions, but wear robes rather than enormous Dragon Mails or whatever you call it. You can make it as easy as you want for yourself. I am using a x30 damage multiplier, but I don't use an enchanted dagger. I use a shield, but not armor. I am strong, but far from overpowered. If you think logically you should be able to prevent it. If you want to be overpowered, so you can.
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how solid
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:38 pm

8. Actually roleplay or put on gear you like because of it's looks rather than min-maxing?..

Just a tip...

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Meghan Terry
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:22 pm

I love it how people seem to hate challenge. Like this thread is threating to actually balance out these major balance issues.

Theres way too many ways to become god...
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