1. Dont use Smithing
2. Dont use Enchanting
3. Dont use Alchemy
3. Dont use Sneaking
4. Dont use Illusion pre lvl 40
5. Dont use Conjuration
6. Dont use Archery (yet more balanced without Sneaking)
These skills have certain elements to them that render them gamebreaking and makes Master Difficulty easy as pie. In my opinion it renders the old Oblivion spellmaking which was considered overpowered a minor balance issue.
Which leaves you with the options of:
Alteration, Block, Light Armor, Destruction, Heavy Armor, Lockpicking, One-handed, Pickpocket, Restoration, Two-handed & Speech.
1. I agree that smithing can be a little overpowered if you're doing it naturally but I only have 100 smithing to get a Legendary Daedric Sword and Dragon Scale. You should rather limit yourself on smithing and only allow yourself to upgrade weapons or something.
2. Yeah...agree.
3. Nah, alchemy is hard enough. It's balanced and has a fairly high set up procedure to find the correct ingredients
4. Really? I don't use illusion but is it really that bad? Really, the only thing I find useful in illusion are frenzy spells and invisibility
5. NO NO NO! Conjuration is legitimate. I don't use it but it's a great skill! Until you get to like Level 100, your summons die off pretty fast and you don't have enough magicka to do anything about it
6. Whut? No. Archery is terrible against battle rushing bandits. I got flattened in ten seconds flat with my stealth character and had to pull out Mehrunes Razor and even then, I barely survived
I really don't know what this whole Min/Max thing going on is. Can anybody tell me?