How to Obtain Novice Spells

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:09 am

Well, hey I'm making a stealthy archer/mage character and want to know if theirs any way to train spell using skills under 25(excluding destruction and restore)

You know how you pick major and minor skills and if you pick major in conjure or illusion you get the basic starter spell. Well specifically I don't want illusion as a major skill and just want to know if theirs a way to train it to 25 with novice level spells or trainers or something(but the trainers only limited to 5lvlups).

Only way I see doing this is to do the mage recommendations and using a spell you get from aquest like the gates of dementia/mania(where you get a frenzy/demoralize ability) and use that spell effect to create a low level spell to train with.

Any help please, I just need to know way to train novice levels for conjure,illusion,mystic, etc.
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Elizabeth Davis
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:14 am

There are novice level spells available for sale for all of the magic schools. The best place to get them is Edgar's Discount Spells in the IC Market District. He sells at least one novice level spell from each of the magic schools (many of the same ones that you get as starter spells if the school is a major skill). You have to get something that's cast on self, so that you always have a valid target so you always get experience for it, and with most of them, you can just keep casting them over and over 'til you run out of magicka, wait to recharge, then do it again. The basic ones are Protect for Alteration, Minor Life Detection for Mysticism and Starlight for Illusion. For Restoration, you already have Heal Minor Wounds, though you can get Minor Respite from most of the Temples, and it has a lower cast cost. For conjuration-- the only novice level conjuration effects that'll work as trainer spells are some of the bound items. You can't cast the spell again until the first one has worn off, so it takes longer to train it, just because you have to cast it, then wait 15 or 20 seconds for the bound item to disappear before you can cast it again. I generally practice conjuration while I'm traveling from one town to another. Edgar sells Bound Dagger and Calindil at the Mystic Emporium sells Bound Helmet. Bound Dagger has the lower cast cost, and it only lasts for 15 seconds as opposed to Bound Helmet's 20, so it's a bit quicker to train. If you wait until you get to Chorrol, Alberic Litte sells Bound Gauntlets, which has the lowest cast cost of them all.

Destruction is the only one that you can't train until you get to the AU, just because there are no premade cast-on-self destruction spells. Once you get into the AU though, you can make a cast-on-self weakness to one of the elements.

And it is handy to get into the AU and do custom training spells for all of the schools. I always do a full set-- one for each school-- of the minimum time for the cheapest effect. They generally have a cast cost of 1, so you can cast them endlessly. And they're incredibly cheap to make (generally 3 gold apiece).
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:58 am

I actually made a mod that added a novice-level Summon Skeleton spell, for faster chain casting than can be done with a Bound Dagger spell. Nothing special, and I never released it, if I wanted to release it I'd have to fix it a little 'cause it directly modifies a NPC rather than adding the spell to him via script.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:55 am

For conjuration-- the only novice level conjuration effects that'll work as trainer spells are some of the bound items. You can't cast the spell again until the first one has worn off, so it takes longer to train it, just because you have to cast it, then wait 15 or 20 seconds for the bound item to disappear before you can cast it again.

Well, better to find out late than never, this is from the wiki

In general, bound weapon spells can more easily be chain-cast than bound armor spells: all you have to do is sheath the weapon, and the effect terminates, allowing it to immediately be cast again.

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Emily Jones
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:20 am

Any ideas on how to get Conjuration up? I'm at 16 but the lowest Summon is Skeleton and requires 25, and none of the "Command undead" things work, since my character is 50+. And those lowbie non-summoning Conjuration spells actually have to effect the target.

Disregard, I actually read more of the thread.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:45 am

Another note about training Conjuration: if you're doing the recommendation quest for Skingrad, you'll have to get past lots of zombies. Turn Undead can be used, and while you'll eventually have to kill the zombies, you can get some training with that spell too.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:34 am

Well, better to find out late than never, this is from the wiki

Hmm.... I'm still trying to figure out if that's a good thing or not. :D

I'd comfortably gotten into the habit of casting bound spells while I'm traveling, and they're actually sort of pleasant to train that way anyway, because by the time the spell has worn off, my magicka has more or less recharged as well. Since I do it while I'm traveling, I tend to use either gauntlets or helmet, because your ground speed decreases if you pull out a weapon. And they occasionally come in handy if I stumble on an encounter.

But if you can end the spell immediately by sheathing the bound weapon, then it's just a quick, two-button process-- cast, sheathe, cast, sheathe..... It'll still take a second or two for the game to run the animations for pulling the weapon then sheathing it again, but still....

And you know.... I should've realized that anyway-- I'd already figured out to do that to get rid of a runestone bound weapon I didn't want. I just never thought of it otherwise.

Thanks for that.
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:38 pm

For conjuration, there's a very fast way that is effective especially for archer type character, but like Gpster mentioned, it eats up your spell points in no time (unless your spells are cheap enough and willpower high enough). It virtually involves the same method mentioned, but you can skip some of the 2 second animations.

This idea is along the same lines as holding your block button to cast spells faster. Equip your bow so it's on your back, then cast Bound Dagger and sheath it right away. Then immediately press the cast spell button again, even before your character is finished sheathing the dagger. Simple as that, repeatedly pressing cast and sheath, one right after the other. Works best with a bow equipped and put away on your back.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:28 am

If you have done the recommendations for the Mages Guild you can make trainer spells (once you have the novice level spell) that last for 1 sec. This way, you will probably not run out of magicka while training and your skill levels the same for a 1 sec spell as it does for a10, 20, or 60 sec spell. I used weakness to fire 3pts on self for 1 sec to train up destruction (though I think you need 25 in destruction to cast any weakness spell, allowing you to create it at an altar). I did the same with conjuration, illusion, and others for a couple characters.
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