90 hours, 2-3 crashes. Audio disappeared, I try to save my game, game freezes. One time I managed to corrupt a save.
PS4 ~lvl 45 two crashes in the very beginning. Have had two solid color screens but no crash, one worked itself out and the other needed a reboot.
Only technical problem I have on a regular basis is with the audio. It skips and cracks but usually goes away after a few minutes.
PC. I don't know how many hours of play time I got by now.
But at lvl 54 I had one crash (ctd).
PC, year old Xidax rig with decent components
MSI MS-7821 mobo, Intel i5-4690K 3.5GHz, 8GB RAM, Win7 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 3.9GB
I've played three characters (four counting the very first one I just ran around with for a couple hours to get a feel for the controls) for a total of 272 hours and 55 minutes.
Only 2 CTDs I can recall, maybe three at max (if I forgot one). There was also one or two freezeups that forced me to use task manager to close the app. One for sure, two max (again memory ??).
So we will call that 4 in total. 272.92 / 4 = 68.3 hours of play time between CTDs on average.
The game has "hiccuped" a half dozen additional times and I thought "Ah, is this gonna CTD?" but it didn't.
One of the best performers I've played in a while!
Maybe 2 crashes in 150+ hours, but that's not counting the 15+ crashes I had trying to go to Monsignor Plaza area due to the bug. The beta update fixed that, thankfully.
Midrange PC, one crash in about 100 hours of gameplay. However, I have a lot of stuttering issues, and sometimes get sub 30FPS in the city.
I have not yet had the game crash on me (PC) but I have had to restart it when Pip Boy acts up.
Xbox one over 6 days played 1 crash & 2 freeze up
PC, 161 hours, 0 CTDs.
I am actually scared that a Beth game did not CTD for me...
I have maybe 50 or 60 hours in and it crashed twice in the first ten hours. Nothing since then.
Yeah, same. Maybe two crashes in 150 hours.
Been playing 10+ hours a day since release and only had one crash so far. I encountered the dog selling npc before heading to Concord on my latest playthrough and he was walking through the middle of the battle when I got there. Not sure, but I think that caused the crash.
72 hours on PC at max settings @1920x1080, level 20, with a max single playtime of about 6 hours.
No crashes at all. No stuttering, no lockups.
165 hours and not a single crash!
This is definitely the most stable game I've seen from Bethesda.
269 hours played, not one crash. I'm on a fairly clean PC, I5-4670 with 16 gig ram and a GeForce 970. The game is loaded on a separate SSD drive than my OS, which is also on another SSD.
I've had two crashes that were pretty close together after about maybe...60 or so gameplay hours.
Haven't had any issues since and I'm getting close to about 130 hours.
I've had 2-3 CTDs in 160 hours of playtime. On PC.
EDIT: Wanted to add, they were all when I was doing something unusual, like running Shadowplay and streaming at the same time, for example.