25 hours, killed three, seen two others that didn't want to fight.
Propably not as cities are techinically speaking in separate worlds. Villages like Riverwood, yes.
I beg to differ...i actually experienced a dragon attack on whiterun itself. It happened I was doing the companions quest, one of the earlier ones where you have to go out to the companions courtyard and they do this welcome ceromony, and i was listening to their old man talk when all of a sudden i heard a commotion behind us, near the whiterun's castle dragonreach. Its a dragon attack! But the most funny thing was the old man just kept talking to me and i had to wait for him to finish before i can join in the fight. When i finally rushed to the scene, the dragon was already very low on health, i just barely managed to hit it with 2 arrows b4 he died, though i still managed to get his soul anyway