Much too often. And the situation is wearing a little thin.Im getting tired of this.Soon i have to either pick 1 character and stick with it or take a big break from Skyrim and go back to SWTOR or Medieval Total War 2.
Basically when i play a stealth character i miss the Two-handed and shield cutscenes and animations,specially Two-Handed axe decapitations, and i also feel out of place to be an assassin and the dragonborn hero at the same time.BAM!Delete,start again.Usually around level 30-40.
When i play a warrior type i get bored really quickly and somehow dungeon crawling doesn't feel right.I don't feel ''adventurous'' if i am not sneaking in dungeon.The music theme just makes you wanna SNEAK.Also when i play a warrior i miss the assassinate cutscenes with a dagger.Delete around level 25 usuualy ,start again.
In the rare cases when i play a mage i miss not being able to do DB,TG and the Companions.And if i actually do them it doesn't feel right.Festus Krex shut up..Delete,start again.
This process repeats itself endlessly,even with hybrids.
Also when i play assassin and warrior i miss being able to use Ice Spike like a boss( i like the sound and the way it pierces the body),which adds to the above mentioned process.Basically i am in a
''create-play a while-delete'' hell.While playing a character i am constantly thinking of a different class and how much i would love to play a different class.And when i do ,i think of another class concept again.
This whole mess is deepened further because when i create a character i spend a whole eternity thinking of what race and what civil war faction i must join.
Nowadays its not that bad, and i am leaning towards non- hybrids and sticking with them,but half a year/a year ago it was a nightmare.