How often do you think this kind of car theft happens?

Post » Thu Jan 30, 2014 3:48 am

Every single day people get up anywhere from 4 AM to 9 AM for work or to get ready for school. In a lot of these places it is highly likely that you warm your car up before you get up and go. Leaving the car sitting in your drive way unattended with the engine running. To top it off... it could very likely also be dark outside still any time between 4 am and 7 am, with non suspicious random traffic. It's what we all do, go to work or go to school... a lot of times under these conditions.

A person could have a friend drive him around any given concentration of area that spans from town to town to town and state to state to state... all within minutes to under an hour from another... searching for these sitting cars... and easily strike up 5 oppurtunities within 30 minutes... Casually walking into your car and driving off with an easy (at high volume sell easy price) few hundred of dollars to a known experiend "mechanic" or car yard...

In all effectiveness this could be rinse and repeated in the same morning 3-5 times within a very small time frame before anyone even catches on.. Over the course of any day to any week... never hitting a snag on their targeted zone being marked as a hazard. Because it is just literally in such high volume people go to work and go to school early in the morning leaving their car ripe for the reeping... making quick thousands of dollars a week by any relatively small conjoined cluster of communities..

(i live on the boarder of nh and massachussetts so its really just one big never ending back road of grid work neighborhoods in either direction all the way through)

I dont keep up to date on news, but I just read about some bizarre car jacking attempts and thought... whyyy soo... stupidnes...?

Does anyone hear of the practice of this type of deviousness? Where are you from? Where have you heard of this happening? What do you think the actuality of this kind of situation going down? I mean its as commonly capable as receiving the news paper as far as I am concerned... with 0 ... of the attention that gets...

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Pat RiMsey
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Post » Thu Jan 30, 2014 4:53 pm

Not often, I reckon. People do idle their cars, but not for too long. And some people have cameras in their driveways. Or they would come outside after kissing their daughters while they sleep, see their car gone, and report it to the police.

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Post » Thu Jan 30, 2014 3:57 am

I'd imagine that has a pretty high fail rate because people can call it in immediately.

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Prisca Lacour
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Post » Thu Jan 30, 2014 1:10 pm

I wish they would steal my neighbor's truck. He has a diesel, which means he lost all common sense about engines and let's it idle for 30 minutes or more while he showers and has his breakfast. He is not the first neighbor with a diesel to do this. I wish someone would educate those people about how a diesel motor really works. As in yes, you can shut the dang thing off when you go into the store or the house or the bathroom or the restaurant, it won't break the precious motor, or be hard to start up again.

It is against the law in my state, Colorado, to have an unattended vehicle idling. How often they enforce this seems to be nil.

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michael danso
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Post » Thu Jan 30, 2014 8:36 am

Success in car theft is about how far you can get before it's reported, not how easy it is to start the car. Car thieves can open the car, defeat the ignition and steering wheel locks, and start the car in something under a minute anyway, so the fact that it is already running doesn't help them all that much.

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Emily Jones
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Post » Thu Jan 30, 2014 2:02 pm

Its not just the convenience of having the car started for you. I am talking in all actuality... those hours of 4 am to 9 am ... is every one get up and go.. if you are f inishing your business inside be it cooking, eating, bathroom attention... thats a swift chance of disappearance into the world of activity... with the focus of the centralized area... 15-20 minutes time it took to be noticed, long gone and disposed of. even if up that to a half hour with 15 minutes reported... where did the guy go?

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Jarrett Willis
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Post » Thu Jan 30, 2014 3:32 pm

Who idles their car for 15 minutes?

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