I always tend to forget both my shouts and racials.
Although, Command Animal did save my Bosmer's ass. I used it on two mammoths, and they were able to damage these two giants enough before they died that I could finish them off by kiting.
I just got a shout that does the same, didn't know if it would work on mammoths though, nice to know it does
so perhaps your power is a bit redundant once you get it
playing a dunmer myself
think I can set myself on fire, haven't used it once
the fact you can only use it once a day makes it kind of hard to rely on/incorporate into your gameplan
don;t even know if it's usefull, guess I'll have to keep it mind when I get into trouble though
Well... not really. That's kind of like saying it's racist that the black character race has dark skin.
I can't say if it's genetic, cultural or environmental, but it's a simple fact that Kenyans and people from certain other African regions participate in and win marathons all the time.
apparently they have a lower centre of gravity