it is hilarious when some youngun tells you age is relevant in regards video games.
But is IS.
The older you are, the better your chances of having those few extra years' experience.
If I meet someone older than me in-game, they're usually there because they've been playing games longer than I have. It's intimidating for anyone with half a brain to go up against.
I started my FPS career with Doom, and when Quake 2 was the game to play, the people who were most able to kill me were the ones who came from Wolfenstein 3D.
Saying someone's too old to play is as stupid as telling the girls to "make me sammiches" as they SLAUGHTER YOUR ENTIRE TEAM WHILE OUTNUMBERED. And that still happens. Angry girl gamer = unstoppable force of nature. Don't be sixist. Or Age-ist. Or anything-ist, for that matter. it just makes them mad. Then you die. Slowly, painfully, and usually after great humiliation.