I mean... she looks a bit older, but her voice and disposition seem quite young, relatively... thoughts?
I mean... she looks a bit older, but her voice and disposition seem quite young, relatively... thoughts?
I've wondered this myself, as her history is interesting to me, and I enjoy her as a follower. She seems to be the Dunmer equivalent of in her early twenties, in my opinion.
Maybe - it's hard to tell, though...
Too young for you. Move along.
The reason she looks older IMO is the wrinkles. Pretty much all the races in Skyrim have this issue where they look forty or fifty plus or the equivalent.
Yeah, I read those back in MW, but that was a while ago. Given the ES series taste for unreliable narrators though, I admit that I take all books with a grain of salt, warranted or no.(Meeting Plitinius Mero didn't ease my skepticism ) In any case, I do agree that her dialogue is reflective of youth- the burden of lineage and parental expectations, etc.
Mer are BORN a hundred years old... Just kidding!
Anyway, yeah, in most books, games, and so forth elves are immortal, and I think the question is: "Who would want to live forever in a body that's the equivalent of an 85 year old human?" For an immortal race, aging beyond early advlthood would be... uncomfortable, to say the least.
I'm thinking an estimate around... 26/27... Early 20's seems a bit too young, maybe... but any higher than 28 seems too high... so... I think 26 it'll have to be (relatively, of course). Or... maybe you're right with early twenties. It's just that I'd place my character at late 20s/early 30s, and I want to headcannon them as being quite close in age... So...