How to optain the Dialogue from a mod ?

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:05 am

Hi everyone,

I am in need of some help on the Dialogue side of things.

I want to extract all Dialogue vioce lines plus there file names from a very big mod.

This mod is master dependend on the Oblivion.esm.


I am aware of the two following methods of extracting Dialogue:

#1 ( Open CS > File > Export > Dialogue )
- This method is very fast, takes only 1 minute
- The export file always contains the Oblivion.esm plus the active mods Dialogue
- Allot of information is missing in the export file
( NO file names / race / six / topic / subject / mood set )

#2 ( Open CS > Character > Export Dialogue )
- This method is very slow, takes 6 hours to export the Oblivion.esm dialogue alone
- The export file always contains the Oblivion.esm plus the active mods Dialogue
- Has all needed information in the export file.


I am forced to use method #2 ( Open CS > Character > Export Dialogue ) becouse this method has all needed information in the export file.

How do I extract all Dialogue vioce lines plus there file names from a very big mod, when the Oblivion.esm contains more then 50.000 voice lines and the mod in question contains also almost 50.000 voice lines. If the two get mixed then I don’t know where to start.

If someone knows how to get a Oblivion.esm without dialogue, let me know I want to try that aswell.

If someone knows about any tools that can export a Dialogue report + file names let me know.
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kristy dunn
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:37 am

I don't know if this is available in the standard CS, but it is with CSE.

#3 Open CS > Character > Quest > Highlight Specific Quest > Click Export Quest Dialog button.

This is what exports:

AAWImperialLegionSoldier Imperial Imperial Male AAWCaveOfWishCraftQUEST AAWLegionSoldier 010040FC 0 AAWCaveOfWishCraftQUEST_AAWLegionSoldier_000040FC_1 Data\Sound\Voice\Cave Of Wishcraft.esp\Imperial\M\AAWCaveOfWishCraftQUEST_AAWLegionSoldier_000040FC_1.mp3 File Not Found I was sent here to keep order. Anger 10
This is one line in text report and it only exports the dialog specific to the quest.
I'm guessing the "File Not Found" would be the .lip file.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:44 pm

If you don't mind cutting and pasting (depends how much you're trying to export), I recommend It specifically displays dialogue (among other things) so you can easily translate it to other languages (or, in my case, edit it. :D). Each entry has a FormID listed, so you can simply scroll down to the entry you want, C&P the text to Notepad or whever, and copy the ID.
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Haley Merkley
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:47 am

@ WalkerInShadows:
Thanks for the tip on using the “Egg Translator” tool.
I now finally have a new method on exporting all dialogue lines and there correct file names.
At the moment I am running some tests on it.

To bad the dialogue export does not go into one file but in multiple files ( +900 Total ).
I guess I have to cut and past as you sad, I always like to try and automating things.

To Merge all the +900 *.txt data files into 1 .text file I had to use a EPIC-DOS Command.
1- Press Windows Start Button ( RUN )
2- Type command ( cmd ) and hit enter
3- Go to the disk with the +900 .txt files ( :g )
4- Go to the folder with the +900 .txt files ( cd test )
5- Type ( copy *.txt all.txt ) and hit enter
This will copy all data in the files into one file called all.txt.
6- Type exit and hit enter to close the DOS window

I do seem to miss allot of Dialogue lines, but at least I have something
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