How we play Fallout

Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:24 pm

I was unceremoniously dragged away from Fallout 4 over the weekend to do boring socialising things. I ended up in a conversation about how Fallout grips its players and ended up writting the following to post to Facebook...

"I had a note that I needed to re-visit a trailer park to gain access to a caravan that had a particularly complex lock on it. Having just learned the ability to be able to tackle such locks I fast-travel over. As I get there, I notice a small shelter up on the hill overlooking the park - probably a simple dwelling for the park owner or some such thing - though, on my compass, it's marked with an icon I've not seen before. Let's just pop up there before I get to that caravan. A bit of good loot and an interesting... Oh, there's a small community just next to... Oooh, a military fort! Looks like a training camp. Barracks, so much loot. Classrooms, some perk magazines. A couple of isolated dioramas of the last moments of a soldier or two - one a particularly sad tale that I'm left to interpret myself. A bundle of skeletons together on one side of a room surrounded by bottles of booze, and then another lone collection of bones in the opposite corner, in the fetal position and clutching on to a teddy bear - the final seconds of civilisation as atomic war broke out around them. Frozen in time. I skirt around the main base in the middle of the area - James is pestering me to go out, I've not got time to explore something of that size right now - but there's a small building on the other side that I want to peek in to. A blood bank! Blood bags are the main ingredients for Stimpaks. Stimpaks good - Stimpaks heal. Having gathered up a couple of dozen bags (not to mention finally finding a syringe bow in the basemant!), and having fought off a dozen or so mutated insects, I walk out happy. Fast travelling back to my main settlement, a base I've built up in the remains of a drive-in movie theatre, I mix up my heal-good-make-feel-nices and am ready to re-hit the Boston Wasteland. Where was I? Ah yes. The Fort! Or was it a trailer park? Actually, first, I found a library book back in the barracks. Just yesterday I stumbled upon the main Boston library and they had a system in place where - pre war, obviously - they were encouraging kids to round up stray library books. An automated system cares not for 200 years of nuclear apocalypse, tokens are still being dispensed and prizes are still claimable! But, heck. The super-mutants outside have re-spawned, I just need to pop back to my base to grab my power armour, freshly upgraded with extra energy weapon protection and a kick-ass paint job. As I'm climbing in a settler runs up to me to let me know that they're being bothered by some raiders who are camped out at the remnants of a nearby ex-Supermarket. I clamber back out of the power armour - no point wasting its power supplies on mere raiders - and travel with haste to their den of depravity. Heck! Since when were mere raiders given access to *my* toys? Get out of my power armour! Give me back that missile launche...

...and so goes Fallout 4. It was two days until I got to that caravan. The contents of which weren't even worth breaking in to it for by that point. But the journey? Oh... The journey. Anyone that ever suggests that a simple video game can't be more immersive than a movie, that you couldn't possibly lose yourself in one more than you could a good book, can go do one on the end of my Missile Launcher... Now that I've got it back from that raider."
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Vicki Gunn
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:18 am

Awesome story, thanks for sharing!
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Katharine Newton
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 1:25 pm

It's nice to see posts like this. It is fun getting lost in the Fallout world.

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Chloe Botham
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:41 pm


I started a second character at the weekend, cause I wasn't satisfied with my first one in terms of S.P.E.C.I.A.L. and Perks and I had a similar situation.

I was on the quest in the Covega Assembly Plant to help this settlement with the raiders. On the way there I heared gunfire from the south and wanted to check, if I could help. I found Paladin Danse at the police station and helped him fighting off the Ferals.

I thought there must be more around and wanted to secure the area, so i cleared the streets of Lexington and found some dead raiders and a subway-station. Man, what an exploration.

On the way out of the subway, I found a hospital sign on the's check that out! Heading south, coming across the ruins if the C.I.T. Man, that's awesome [censored], must be some good tech inside, let's have a look!

Headed back to Sanctuary afterwards to store the precouis loot. Now let's check that hospital! Oh wait...i wanted to do something 5 hours ago...oh yeah! The assembly plant! Let's get it on buddy! *playful bark* Shut up dogmeat, I was talking to myself! *sad whimper*

Love this friggin masterpiece of Art! Cudos to Bethesda! You made a drug-addict out of me, in some way...

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Danny Warner
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:41 pm

If that's the hospital I'm thinking of (Kendal? I think...) make sure you're well equipped!

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Silvia Gil
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 9:51 pm

Hehe... That's more or less how I play it as well.

On my way to location A, I stumble upon location B and get's re-directed towards location C. At location C, I finally get's back on track to loction A, but I quickly find myself ingaged in a fire fight at location E and finds myself tangled in a mystery at location F.

I no longer remember why I was going to location A, but finally I get there and find myself on my way to location X. :)

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Chloe Lou
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