I'm confused with why you say it is more expensive, it's about $100 cheaper than what you had before. Don't worry about the CPU, the stock heatsink is designed for stock settings, if you clean it occasionally you won't have any problems.
Couple of things:
Drop that WD Black and get a blue. A black is not worth $120. If you look at the benchmarks the black and blue drives are virtually the same, blacks just have a slightly better warranty. A blue will run you about $56, so you'd be able to buy 2 blue's and still have some money left over, at the cost of a couple years of warranty. Get an SSD with the money you saved here. http://pcpartpicker.com/part/samsung-internal-hard-drive-mz7te120bw.
Are you intending on upgrading to 32 GB at some point? If not you will see some minor performance improvements by going 2 x 4 GB instead of 1 x 8 GB. Regardless, http://www.anandtech.com/show/4503/sandy-bridge-memory-scaling-choosing-the-best-ddr3/6. Kind of an old article, but still applies.
http://pcpartpicker.com/part/xfx-power-supply-p1750bbefx. Assuming you will actually do the MIR it's slightly cheaper, comes from a reputable brand, is gold (versus bronze) and fully modular (versus semi modular). It's the same wattage.
The H97 chipset was released recently, but if you get the board from a reputable brand you should be fine. If you are particularly worried you can get a H87 board, but there is no reason to.