» Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:51 am
I don't know why there are like 90% of Trolls in this Forums, the game in hardcoe Mode have more than 1 million polygons, and have large size texture maps, they said to IGN that will come with DX11 (research people! http://pc.ign.com/articles/115/1153248p1.html ) The consoles can't handles 200,000 polygons or more than 512mb of vram, they look much worse, just look in youtube for xbox360 gameplay and the graphics in the demo, I think there are a lot of people just reading the trolls commentaries and repeating them, I understand people complaining, it's even better so they improve the game even more in the patchs, but everyone going mad? I think I'll stop coming to gamesas forums until ' month after the game is released and all these people are gone