How do I remove grass?

Post » Mon Jun 09, 2014 1:27 am

I figured I wanted to edit some things in the Hearthfire DLC, I wanted to edit Lakeview Manor.

My first objective was to change the shape of the terrain. Done.

My second objective was to add some new objects. Done.

My third objective was to remove the grass that is scattered all around the manor. ERROR.

My intentions for the final touch was to make some open paths of roads that expands around the manor and down to the main road, however I cannot seem to get the grass removed. I have tried to edit the landscape textures and replacing the ones with grass with a version without grass. It does not work. The grass that is on the ground does not go away, even if I ''paint'' over it with a new texture or replaces it with a non - grass version.

What can I do?

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Mr. Ray
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