» Mon Apr 25, 2011 7:39 am
Take a look at the page where you can change your password in the options. You *might* be able to reset your account name (in this case, currently your email) to whatever your name is on gamespy (assuming a gamespy account was created properly).
Someone said if it wasn't, simply go to gamespy and sign up a name with the same email (it would appear accounts which appear as email addresses are ones which failed to create a gamespy account to link to for some reason) and gamesas should link them (as it checks email addresses?) and then give you the option to reset your name to whatever is on the gamespy account.
This is information scraqed from the forums though so please read anything you're about to do carefully just to make sure you don't end up with a situation which is a bit worse than what you have right now.
I hope that helps, I'm afraid I haven't tried it myself. My friends are suffering from the issue of not being able to log in at all due to the username conflicts instead.
/Wait for database and game fixes...