go to your weapons list, find the weird weapon called BigMountainTransponder or something like that, equip it, and click the fire button, BOOM!, your back to the Mohave. kthxbai.
After you complete the OWB quest, you should have been given a Transportalponder. Access it from your weapons inventory, go outside, and hit the fire button.
go to your weapons list, find the weird weapon called BigMountainTransponder or something like that, equip it, and click the fire button, BOOM!, your back to the Mohave. kthxbai.
FYI you can also use the transportalponder to go back to the bigMT from any outdoor location. You have to dismiss your companions first, which is kind of a pain, but other than that it's awesome to walk out of a cave/vault/bunker etc. over-encumbered and having an easy teleport to the sink...
FYI you can also use the transportalponder to go back to the bigMT from any outdoor location. You have to dismiss your companions first, which is kind of a pain, but other than that it's awesome to walk out of a cave/vault/bunker etc. over-encumbered and having an easy teleport to the sink...
One thing with that is the Vegas Strip does not count as an outdoor location.