How to role-play?

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:37 pm


Can someone tell me exact5ly how to role play in the ES?

I am not sure the definition of it or how its done but I want to do it.

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josie treuberg
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:39 pm

The most simple definitelion would probably be to stay within a fixed range of skills, weapons and tactics with one character. So if you role-play a Knight, heavy or light armor and block + one-handed would be the way to go. Crusader might use restoration as well. Basically, if you do role-play a knight, you don't take perks from conjuration and summon two frost atronarch to fight for you while casting fireballs an dhaving extremely high magicka.
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Sami Blackburn
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:54 pm

Act like it's real. Think hardcoe mode from Fallout NV. You have to drink, sleep, and eat or you die if you go long enough without. Also, if you're playing a good character, don't do evil quests or join the dark brotherhood, etc. Many options to and different types of RP.

Also, One life, one death rule, where if you die that's it and you have to start over, etc.
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Naazhe Perezz
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:32 am

It's mainly in your head. There are no set 'rules', other than try as hard as possible to stay in the mindset of your character.
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Sarah Unwin
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:11 pm


Can someone tell me exact5ly how to role play in the ES?

I am not sure the definition of it or how its done but I want to do it.


Find something you like to do, pretend that you are roleplaying like in the real world. Rules: dont die, if so --> start over, eat and sleep regularly. There so many things have been taken out of the game like coin weight, fatgue while running (not sprinting) and many other things.
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Claire Jackson
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:21 am

I just created a thread similar to this a few moments ago. I should have looked a bit further it appears before doing so. I understand the concept now.
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Kim Kay
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:04 am

As someone who's had to give a crash course on RPing to many, many people in his D&D group over the years, I think it's best summed up like this:

"Don't play the game as yourself. Live the game as your character."
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Jade Payton
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:29 pm

Its where you decide who your character is, not the game.

In a game like The Witcher, your story is predefined, its written in a books, and you are living out that story, possibly filling in some out-of-time happenings of your own.

In TES you're backstory is usually entirely up to you, save for some key aspects like, you are a dragonborn, other than that who you are is your story, and there is no wrong way to play.
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Mel E
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:36 pm

Simple way:

Pick a race (Orc)
Pick a style (Sellsword)
Play as an Orsimer Sellsword. Do everything for money
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tegan fiamengo
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:05 am

Add limitations, rules, your char. For example, don't join factions your char don't feel right to join, or don't train absolutely all your skills, just some select ones, even if you don't reach level 999 (my char is currently level 41, and I'm convinced I won't get up much more than that).

But the best way to roleplay is to try to be inside the game what you really want to be. In my case, being a dual-wielding, light armored Nord Warrior with a great talent for Restoration suits me perfectly :)
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:38 pm

Well most peoples out there play their characters what they believe themselves, not the character itself. For example, if you rerolled your character, pretend you didnt play the game and try explore and do whatever you like. Dont try to be powergamer or move up too fast or ended up in cat litter box. For good experience playing as roleplaying, try turn off the compass, dont use the map, sleep and eat regularly and dont die as hardcoe player on expert level.
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Kat Stewart
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:18 am

People will tell you "stay on a fixed set of skills" "equpid only bla" and many other ideas. Do what you want. your a character in a world that is ever changing.......go out and slaughter a poor woman or go learn magics and become all powerfull - dont "limit" your self - explore your self
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Ashley Campos
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:37 am

i'm a female nord who uses her persuation to get what she wants while eating just foods to heal and likes drinking wine and mead. I'm thinking of roleplaying a character like this :wink_smile:
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:19 am

Yep pretty much everyone has it covered.

Basically you play the character you make, rather than just playing the game as a dungeon crawler or with the goal of "beating" quests. It helps to have some level of imagination ;)

I.E. My character is a Paladin-style warrior who only ever uses greatswords as that's his specality. Being a Paladin, he greatly dislikes "darker" magics, such as destruction and conjuration. Therefore, many of his foes he slays are related to mages, undead, necromancers. He also never uses any kind of magic and will never use any kind of magical item that dabbles in these "darker arts". However he is a werewolf, and serving his werewolf kin/family is extremely important to him, more important than him being Dragonborn, which is something that he's very much a "reluctant hero" twoards. Especially since he's kind of a homebody "hard-working" type who likes to lead by example :P

So he's kinda got two facets to his character: this warrior type paladin who strives to do good and vanquish evil forces in the world, however he is a reluctant hero as his main goal is to be an active part in his helping his fellow were brothers/sisters throughout their struggles.

Basically, that's a character archetype I've invented, and to roleplay is to make sure I play as that character VS. simply using the character to romp dungeons everywhere. The practical gameplay conciquence that comes out of this is that I never use any scrolls magical items that doesn't have to do with the Restoration school, I never use normal magic ever, when travelling I prefer not to wear any armor except for my fur one, I only use greatswords, I never do evil/darker quests even if the game (annoyingly) gives that quest for me to do anyways, I'll never pick fights with anyone except if they attack me first or happen to fall into the category of "dark" (aka bandit mages and necromancers, undead, vampires), I try to regularly do tasks for the werewolves and enjoy travelling distances in werewolf form, etc.
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Tamara Primo
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:34 am

Omg if you need a guide on how to RP your rp experience is properbly going to svck... i dunno, just have fun, there is no need for "rules" because its singleplayer..

i RP a lot and it all happens in my head but now and than I take a shortcut and jump of a cliff if im bored of walking slow because it serves my rp...only you can answer that question to yourself
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