How to ruin a game...

Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:02 am

Ok, first of all - I really like Skyrim. I have 126 hours in it, so it is a big point to that.

And how would I rate the game? About 7/10 ... Yeah, not that much...
I feel like a couple of small things, that would easily be repaired ruined that much ability to be epic..

So to the point:

- Dragons. They are so freaking easy to kill.. I had more troubles killing some Bandit Chiefs, or Vampires then dragons.. Not to mention Giants..
Everyone was telling me - level up, they will get tougher.. Ok, I am level 51 now.. And what? Still I can find some creatures that are more difficult to kill then dragons.. I can kill ancient dragons in 6 swings of my two handed axe without healing in between.. Dispite how they look - nothing epic at all... :(
About the difficulty I use - read on..

- I am playing on Expert since the middle of the game. Not on Master for the same reason that I did not play on Expert at the begining.. It is no fun being killed in one hit. It is not fun being killed buy simple mobs, like bears, wolves, bandits.. I like feeling strong, tought. I just expected big, difficult fights from bosses (dragons for example).. If Dragons would have like 5 times the health, the fight would last longer, I would have to heal, run etc.. Not just "wait for land, kill"..

- Radiant story.. anybody noticed it working? I mean, I dont know.. It was suppose to randomise some things.. I can not feel it.. Most of the times I am to go to the labirynth/ cave that I was already in, just to find some new enemies (sometime even the scenery change) to kill/find somebody/something.. While the uncleared ones are there..
And the "kill the quest giver, his family will come".. No such thing. Numerous times the quest giver was killed (for example random dragon attack) - I get quest failed. Tried to talked to family etc.. No options.

- The quests. Go there, kill the leader. Go there bring me this. And that is it. All the content.
Of course there were some times that when I got back there was a surprise. I will not forget those situations.. A couple fo them only..
About an impact on the world I will not say.. No impact..

- Character. I dont like the fact that I am "everything". I hate the fact that guards are montioning my lockpicing skill as I would be a thief. I need to open those cheast, am I not? And the skill got to 90+ so..
And I dont want to join the thiefs guild. If they are so bad I wont to destroy them! Cant..

- Bugs and Glitches.. I mean I tought Rage was bad. I tought Rage was the most bugged and the worst of them all.. But Rage had a graphical bugs. Skyrim have all of them..
How is it tha a crashing to desktop, that happened to me from once every 3-4 hours at the begining of a game, and got to once every three location change, and every 5 minutes later on (about lvl 30) and all the no textures, transparency and graphical glitches was repaired by a 4GB mod.
A mod that I assume was not difficult to made, since it was made by one person in contrary to one of the biggest gaming companies.
And what happens then? The bethesda gives us 1.1 patch that is forcing online steam and disabling it..
Ok, the comunity got another.. many days later they give as another patch..
Not fixing it. Not putting this. You know, this one thing is fixing my ALL crash to desktop and graphic bugs...
The same for mouse acceleration..

- Creator Kit. Where is it? Look how much have the community done woth out it! Give it to us, and we will fix it all..
I mean, you want it, yes? since you cant do it by yourselves.. (Yes, I now it sounds rude.. Sorry.. Really..)

- The music. Really, that is so good? I dont notice it at all.. And the sound need to be 44khz or the game will crash? Great..

- The world. Ha, nothing there! I jsut found it epic, so beautiful I could stay there and keep looking.. ;) needed to say that ;)

- Consoles. Yes, I hate them. They have ruined much for me, for the PC version. They have ruined the menu, the steering.. ut it has been told so many times, I will not say it again..

- Skills.. I mean, does anybody in bethesda played this game? My whole character leveling was giving only stamina so I can carry stuff.. Normal equipment, som - not much - potions, some - still not much - other stuff, some - not much, just from ONE, later on (after level 40) TWO!!! dungeons - items to sell.. Plus all the heavy quest items that I can not drop.. So I needed to give almost everything to stamina, and I use enchanted fortify carring stuff.. So I can just play normal...

And other skills.. I can make potion that makes me +95% smithing, plus enchanted items that gives me +70% smithing, plus smithing skill at 80 that I could level in 5 mins.. And I get an ubber weapon and armor.. You know, it is hard having that much power and not use it, knowing that it will spoil my game.. :P

I could talk for hours about all the skills and perks.. They are so badly made..
They are fine at first.. but come on, play just a bit and you will see how they should be!

Are we the beta testers?? Now, after the game come out?! I had 40 hours gameplay in first 5 days.. And I knew back then how to change A LOT of things.. One freaking weak of beta testing by 10/20 guys - preferably not knowing the game before - would change so much that it makes me cry...
Pretty much all of it could be addressed after beta test..
It looks like they did not even played it, I mean normally.. without the cheats etc..

I feel like this COULD be the best, epic game ever with just a bit more work. A bit. Not much.
Like two weeks of testing maybe. I remember when the games had a beta tester before release.. Remember those times?
Not even random players.. You could get some people, physically come to you so you would not fear for sharing info etc..
ANd that "a bit" part hurts the most..

I could point many other stuff that are not to my taste, but I belive I have wrote to uch already ;)

Sorry for my bad grammar and language, I have not used english for some time, I took an arrow to the knee.. :P
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stephanie eastwood
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