Hi Id like the player to perform a looping idle animation inside a scene
Can I do this through an "Action"? How can I end the Idle animation after a set amount of time?
Hi Id like the player to perform a looping idle animation inside a scene
Can I do this through an "Action"? How can I end the Idle animation after a set amount of time?
Make a Timer action in your phase, however long you want it to go for. Note the action number/index that is given.
Stick a http://www.creationkit.com/PlayIdle_-_Actorin the Start code of the phase, then change Completion to only happen upon conditions complete, IsSceneActionComplete myTimerActionIndex == 1.0 Run On Subject AND. Then in the Completion code, PlayIdle and choose the idle that stops idles from playing. OffsetBound or something?