First make sure you are using the latest BETA drivers & you have the latest SLI profile from Nvidia:
(it says it's for the demo, but works for the game too)
Add the following to both of your cfg files (autoexec & system):
r_MultiGPU = 1
Make sure the following line is commented out or remove from autoexec.cfg:
Explanations and exact cfg files to follow
Try it out... I hope it works for you.
edit (3/28/11): It looks like those who have gotten it to work with Crossfire are using the 11.4 Preview drivers & it only works in Single Player, hope that helps out the Crossfire users too.
Only way to fix it for XFX is to run the game with bioshock profile from RadeonPRO however you do lose performance. The only other option is to use the 1.0 .exe
edit (3/27/11):
Wasdie has updated his config maker to include extreme settings & the MultiGPU fix, however it still leaves in the Post Processing line so you will need to go in and remove it. His app can be found here:
Also the mouse Acceleration & Smoothing setting in the app are a little buggy so you will want to double check that those settings were applied correctly. I also updated the config files below to reflect the changes.
P.S. @Crysis Team / EA -- I am currently an unemployed test engineer... I live about 5 miles away from you Salt Lake EA office if you want to hire me. =)