So I'm so good at staying hidden that I can take out an entire enemy base without being spotted. The sneak bonus damage is too good to ignore.
But the thing that drives me crazy is that I can't see enemies position unless I get at least the [ Caution ] status. So I have either to make noise on purpose, or to change to a weapon without suppressor and shot 1 bullet into the air to enter [Caution] mode so I can see where the damn enemies are...and...that defeats the whole purpose of stealth. After seeing where they are on HUD I have to back off to get back into hidden mode, and after all that I can finally snipe them. This takes time that I just don't wanna waste like this.
Seeing enemies position on HUD is a BIG help, especially for me, playing ambush style, cause I can't see through obstacles, around corners and rocks or through walls. If I just go searching for them without knowing their position I usually just bump into one of them, around a corner or behind an obstacle, and all hell breaks loose as they alert the whole base.
Do you have any idea how to see them in hidden mode ?
Some console command, some ini tweak ?