» Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:19 am
This looks like a very good and well-though out post. But... If you want other people to read it (Who don't enjoy reading so much as others like myself), then put it in paragraphs so that it is easier on the eyes.
Anyway... Yes, I agree that the multiplayer support on the previous Crysis games was crap. And I doubt that Crytek cares about the PC at all anymore, as they seem to be kissing ass with the consoles, especially Microsoft's Xbox 360. So, I hope that they will support PC better this time, and do it properly.
I broke it up into more paragraphs a bit, but if other people don't read it because they are lazy asses, it is their own fault.
Crytek needs to still care about the PC. If you have seen any recent polls, a huge majority of the population is only getting Crysis 2 for the PC. It would be complete suicide for Crytek to not properly support its base platform.