How Serious is Crytek about supporting Crysis 2 Long-Term?

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:13 pm

In Crysis, there was the insta-masskill flying automatic nuke launcher and nothing was done about it. In Crysis Wars, punkbuster has completely dropped all support leaving the community admins to deal with it themselves by creating custom anti-cheat software while people fly across the maps. Both games had dismal patch support that barely lasted half a year, leaving the community to die off shortly after support was dropped and new fixes/features stopped flowing in.

So, how serious is Crytek going to be about providing a good, quality anti-cheat for Crysis 2 and actually supporting it throughout the duration of the game?

In addition to that, you have stupid bugs like the sound loop in Crysis, falling through maps in Crysis Wars, and various other gamebreakers. Crysis had absolutely horrible support and while Crysis Wars support was improved, it still hasn't hit the mark it needs to. Crysis 2 is going to need some vastly improved long term support if Crytek aims to impress on the consoles as well as newcomers to the pc version. I am not talking about 6 months or even one year, I am talking about supporting the game with patches until the next game comes out.

With 6 or more studios, I really don't see why Crytek cant scrap one of the lower-end projects and have that team focus solely on working with Crysis 2 patch-code for a long period of time. This is going to be really necessary considering the young age of the CryEngine 3, hackers (should I mention LongPoke?) are going to tear this engine apart and go right through the loopholes as soon as they can get their hands on the grubby thing. This is gonig to need some quick and responsive hole closing engine wise by the Crytek team.

I am looking at the Valve team as a great example of some long-term support, and it can really reap the rewards. Especially if Crysis 2 is a good seller from the gate and has captured its audiences attention, nothing leaves a good message to consumers like continually supporting your product. ;) A satisfied consumer is a returning consumer. The #1 reason Crysis and Crysis Wars have died off to dismal populations is becaue of the complete lack of attention and support Crytek gave it. Seriously, who has a good experience when a sound loop bug isnt fixed and you have a turret blasting in your ear non-stop? A bad impression is simply a bad impression and is a turn-off to the consumer.

If Crytek actually provides some real quality support, it will make its user base more inclined to purchase any DLC you guys release to keep food on the table, because if you prove that you can support a project for a long period of time by fixing bugs and closing hack-holes, then its user base will purchase more DLC like map-packs to keep the game alive and be eager for new content, and with the extra money from supporting the game, it can be a win-win situation for both the end user and the developer.

Again, just look at Valve and how much of a reputation they have built from simply supporting their products. What exactly has valve done to get big? They pretty much bought out a mod and then has supported it for years upon years, which has built up reputation and made people want to play other games they have made. Well, that and Half Life was simply genius. ;) Word of mouth is the biggest kind of advertisemant their is, and a happy consumer is not going to want to keep that joy to themselves, they will share the good experience they had with Crysis 2 support and hype will spread!

I also really hope that Crytek does not choose PunkBuster as their anti-cheat provider. PunkBuster has had completely lackluster support in addition to refusing to code for x64 based machines, it is almost like a shot in the foot to force players to play in x32 bit or risk not being on protected servers. If Crytek is serious about supporting Crysis 2, it is going to need some quality anti-cheat that full-on supports x64 based machines and does not drop support so quickly like punkbuster has done. The majority of OS users these days use a 64-bit OS, and unfortunately many programmers have yet to take advantage of those extra 32 bits. Crysis Wars had 64-bit support after a couple patches, but please take it to the next step and provide a 64-bit version from the beginning, and more importantly, a 64-bit Anti-Cheat system to protect those users as well. With the majority of consumers using a x64 based PC, it just makes good sense to program for the majority.

So what do you say Crytek? Can you finally support a game with great potential and grab the attention of its user-base, and provide us with a top notch experience for years to come?

Comments/concerns greatly appreciated!

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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:15 am


Anyway, hacks will always be in PC games, a way to solve it is to have a vote-kick system. Though this may misused, there is nothing else you can do.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:07 pm

Well, if they plan to do DLC it probs will be long term but if there is DLC i doubt we would get the sandbox because we could just make it
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:27 pm

The thing is, Crytek, in all honesty, wasn't ever serious about multi-player. That's just it. They are, of course, serious now, so I'm guessing the game will be supported better. Additionally, I would imagine the budget is there now, so that can't be a problem.
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Noraima Vega
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:35 pm

great topic and very well written
i really hope that being C2 a multi platform game and being just a run&gun game that seam to be the trend now, it will at least have much more sales and i guess with much more clients it will come a bigger responsibility of crytek to better support the game and to give a good image of themselves to the public
i think they will be more committed in providing a good support now and making the game last longer and i really hope they get a good anti cheat system this time
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Robert DeLarosa
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:09 am


Anyway, hacks will always be in PC games, a way to solve it is to have a vote-kick system. Though this may misused, there is nothing else you can do.

I really hope that you do set aside the 5 or 10 minutes it takes to read the original post, it will be worth your time.

Yes, a vote-kick is certainly a way to help stop it, but that is only half a solution. A vote kick should only ever need to be initiated should the anti-cheat system fail (which is definitely will here and there). Hacks will definitely get through any anti-cheat system, but what can define a good or bad experience is just exactly how many people get past the anti-cheat system (like Modern Warfare 2 anti-cheat = bad experience). If the anti-cheat for Crysis 2 is supported long-term and atleast keeps out 75 to 90% of the hackers after each revision, I would consider that a success. Anti-cheat does half the job, it keeps out the majority of hackers until a real patch can close the hack-holes at the source. When the anti-cheat fails, it is then up to a good admin system and/or vote kick system to be implemented to remove the vermin. Note that Dedicated Servers is by far the best way possible to deal with hackers should they get through the anti cheat. :)

Well, if they plan to do DLC it probs will be long term but if there is DLC i doubt we would get the sandbox because we could just make it

Good points, but how often is content released from the public comparable to a AAA developer? If the developer were to say, release a new weapon, a new gamemode, and a map or two, the public would jump on that like crazy. You are also forgetting that the console audience simply does not have the ability to create its own mods and maps, which will create extra revenue from DLC should it not do well on PC (which it would if it provided quality content at a reasonable cost). In addition, couldn't the sandbox experience help bring out additional happy customers who would not mind paying money to support the company that has treated them well? I do not think that a community modding/DLC combination has been tried before, but it would be an interesting prospect to see play out. The closest to modding/DLC combination that I can recall was Far Cry 2, but they just had mapping support and I think that their Fortunes Pack DLC actually did rather well... (I myself bought it).

The thing is, Crytek, in all honesty, wasn't ever serious about multi-player. That's just it. They are, of course, serious now, so I'm guessing the game will be supported better. Additionally, I would imagine the budget is there now, so that can't be a problem.

Yes, hopefully you are correct. :)

great topic and very well written
i really hope that being C2 a multi platform game and being just a run&gun game that seam to be the trend now, it will at least have much more sales and i guess with much more clients it will come a bigger responsibility of crytek to better support the game and to give a good image of themselves to the public
i think they will be more committed in providing a good support now and making the game last longer and i really hope they get a good anti cheat system this time

I am also hoping that the multi platform aspect of Crysis 2 will give the developers an extra incentive to provide quality content and support for the game.

Keep the comments/concerns flowing guys!
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:48 pm

Maybe it will give them additional funding for Patches, if that ever becomes necessary.
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Charlotte Henderson
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 11:30 am

The thing is, Crytek, in all honesty, wasn't ever serious about multi-player. That's just it. They are, of course, serious now, so I'm guessing the game will be supported better. Additionally, I would imagine the budget is there now, so that can't be a problem.

they were serious, but not quite enough. this time around they are obviously going to give it a **** ton more of attention, as we all know.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:15 am

Maybe it will give them additional funding for Patches, if that ever becomes necessary.

Yeah, I touched on that in the original post. :)
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trisha punch
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:21 am

It's on the precious consoles now, so if you're getting it on consoles you'll be good. As for PC's...we're always getting the short end of the stick so I'm not expecting much from EA or Crytek to be honest. I'll play it for its single player but until I know for a fact that they are focusing on making it enjoyable online I wont even bother with multiplayer. Battlefield BC2 has taught me that if you love the game you make, and you respect and support the game you'll have an awesome fanbase months and even years after release.

Again, not touching Multiplayer until I know that they are supporting it for PC just as much as the precious consoles.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:07 am

Policies like valve anti cheat can be considered. If someone cheated, their account will be banned.
This won't prevent cheats from being activated in the game, but will definitely discourage people who cares about their $50 from using cheats.
Of course, cheating in single player I think should still be allowed.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:12 am

I agree with Talon on most points, i just have one thing to add.

You forgot the level-system, you unlock new stuff. If someone makes a custom map it will most likely only be playable in an unranked server OR it will end up as a possible exploit. Just look at TF2 and all it's servers with auto-spawning bots that stand still, they are used to unlock new things... That and idling. This actually means that a DLC could do really well on PC :D
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Jason Wolf
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:54 am

It's on the precious consoles now, so if you're getting it on consoles you'll be good. As for PC's...we're always getting the short end of the stick so I'm not expecting much from EA or Crytek to be honest. I'll play it for its single player but until I know for a fact that they are focusing on making it enjoyable online I wont even bother with multiplayer. Battlefield BC2 has taught me that if you love the game you make, and you respect and support the game you'll have an awesome fanbase months and even years after release.

Again, not touching Multiplayer until I know that they are supporting it for PC just as much as the precious consoles.

Patches should be released for the console and pc versions at the same time you know. ;)

This being a multi-platform game, all versions will recieve the same support, whether that be good or bad.

Policies like valve anti cheat can be considered. If someone cheated, their account will be banned.
This won't prevent cheats from being activated in the game, but will definitely discourage people who cares about their $50 from using cheats.
Of course, cheating in single player I think should still be allowed.

Using Valve ant-cheat is extremely risky though. That would probably lead up to everybody having to use Steam as a DRM requirement for Crysis 2. Also, if Valve Anti-Cheat screws something up and bans the wrong people, Crytek will have little to no control of getting those people their accounts back, in addition to Valve Anti-Cheat having severe difficulty detecting cheats on a un-ranked modded server (unless un-ranked gets anticheat disabled). Valve anti-cheat was a horrible way to get rid of cheaters in the Call of Duty franchise, the servers just get overran by cheats that dont get banned until months later... They then pirate the game and play on no-key servers anyway, so VAC is kind of a bad choice. I like the idea of filtering out cheats as they enter the server like PunkBuster, but it would need some better support and 64-bit availability, while also being careful not to kick the wrong people. Banning could also be done throughout the anti-cheat in a way like PunkBuster, so if an admin catches a cheater and adds it to the cheater master server list and puts why they were banned (wallhack, aimbot, etc), other admins can go through the list and ban these cheaters before they even have a chance to enter the server (it would be at their own risk if they go through the list and pre-ban the wrong players).

I agree with Talon on most points, i just have one thing to add.

You forgot the level-system, you unlock new stuff. If someone makes a custom map it will most likely only be playable in an unranked server OR it will end up as a possible exploit. Just look at TF2 and all it's servers with auto-spawning bots that stand still, they are used to unlock new things... That and idling. This actually means that a DLC could do really well on PC :D

Thanks for the support, and that is a great point. Custom maps and mods will most likely need to be done on a special un-ranked server where the player cannot rank up or unlock items. This will provide extra demand for a map pack DLC that can actually run on ranked servers and have AAA quality!

Comments/concerns, keep 'em flowing. Hopefully Crytek takes note of some of the ideas being presented here. :)
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Josh Dagreat
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:53 am

It's on the precious consoles now, so if you're getting it on consoles you'll be good. As for PC's...we're always getting the short end of the stick so I'm not expecting much from EA or Crytek to be honest. I'll play it for its single player but until I know for a fact that they are focusing on making it enjoyable online I wont even bother with multiplayer. Battlefield BC2 has taught me that if you love the game you make, and you respect and support the game you'll have an awesome fanbase months and even years after release.

Again, not touching Multiplayer until I know that they are supporting it for PC just as much as the precious consoles.

Patches should be released for the console and pc versions at the same time you know. ;)

This being a multi-platform game, all versions will recieve the same support, whether that be good or bad.

Policies like valve anti cheat can be considered. If someone cheated, their account will be banned.
This won't prevent cheats from being activated in the game, but will definitely discourage people who cares about their $50 from using cheats.
Of course, cheating in single player I think should still be allowed.

Using Valve ant-cheat is extremely risky though. That would probably lead up to everybody having to use Steam as a DRM requirement for Crysis 2. Also, if Valve Anti-Cheat screws something up and bans the wrong people, Crytek will have little to no control of getting those people their accounts back, in addition to Valve Anti-Cheat having severe difficulty detecting cheats on a un-ranked modded server (unless un-ranked gets anticheat disabled). Valve anti-cheat was a horrible way to get rid of cheaters in the Call of Duty franchise, the servers just get overran by cheats that dont get banned until months later... They then pirate the game and play on no-key servers anyway, so VAC is kind of a bad choice. I like the idea of filtering out cheats as they enter the server like PunkBuster, but it would need some better support and 64-bit availability, while also being careful not to kick the wrong people. Banning could also be done throughout the anti-cheat in a way like PunkBuster, so if an admin catches a cheater and adds it to the cheater master server list and puts why they were banned (wallhack, aimbot, etc), other admins can go through the list and ban these cheaters before they even have a chance to enter the server (it would be at their own risk if they go through the list and pre-ban the wrong players).

I agree with Talon on most points, i just have one thing to add.

You forgot the level-system, you unlock new stuff. If someone makes a custom map it will most likely only be playable in an unranked server OR it will end up as a possible exploit. Just look at TF2 and all it's servers with auto-spawning bots that stand still, they are used to unlock new things... That and idling. This actually means that a DLC could do really well on PC :D

Thanks for the support, and that is a great point. Custom maps and mods will most likely need to be done on a special un-ranked server where the player cannot rank up or unlock items. This will provide extra demand for a map pack DLC that can actually run on ranked servers and have AAA quality!

Comments/concerns, keep 'em flowing. Hopefully Crytek takes note of some of the ideas being presented here. :)

Actually, the only long-term solution i can figure out is to give us an admin tool that will be used on ranked servers,modded servers would be removed by most developers, since hackers will just keep the hacks coming until they get bored of the game or get banned... Perhaps let the community make tools and then let us put them on servers, without a kick/ban tool for admins this will just be another MW2.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:06 pm

About the patches and stuff...

Well, isn't Crysis 2 being developed simultaneously on all 3 platforms? (LiveCreate anyone?) If that's the case, then whatever problems we receive will be in all 3 platforms, not just the one. But this also means that one console or the PC won't have different problems. In any case, it also means that everything will be patched at the same time; now that's time saving.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:53 am

About the patches and stuff...

Well, isn't Crysis 2 being developed simultaneously on all 3 platforms? (LiveCreate anyone?) If that's the case, then whatever problems we receive will be in all 3 platforms, not just the one. But this also means that one console or the PC won't have different problems. In any case, it also means that everything will be patched at the same time; now that's time saving.

Yes, hopefully the lines of code for each platform are rather similar so that patching can be done as easily as possible. :)
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:12 am


Anyway, hacks will always be in PC games, a way to solve it is to have a vote-kick system. Though this may misused, there is nothing else you can do.

I really hope that you do set aside the 5 or 10 minutes it takes to read the original post, it will be worth your time.

Yes, a vote-kick is certainly a way to help stop it, but that is only half a solution. A vote kick should only ever need to be initiated should the anti-cheat system fail (which is definitely will here and there). Hacks will definitely get through any anti-cheat system, but what can define a good or bad experience is just exactly how many people get past the anti-cheat system (like Modern Warfare 2 anti-cheat = bad experience). If the anti-cheat for Crysis 2 is supported long-term and atleast keeps out 75 to 90% of the hackers after each revision, I would consider that a success. Anti-cheat does half the job, it keeps out the majority of hackers until a real patch can close the hack-holes at the source. When the anti-cheat fails, it is then up to a good admin system and/or vote kick system to be implemented to remove the vermin. Note that Dedicated Servers is by far the best way possible to deal with hackers should they get through the anti cheat. :)

Well, if they plan to do DLC it probs will be long term but if there is DLC i doubt we would get the sandbox because we could just make it

Good points, but how often is content released from the public comparable to a AAA developer? If the developer were to say, release a new weapon, a new gamemode, and a map or two, the public would jump on that like crazy. You are also forgetting that the console audience simply does not have the ability to create its own mods and maps, which will create extra revenue from DLC should it not do well on PC (which it would if it provided quality content at a reasonable cost). In addition, couldn't the sandbox experience help bring out additional happy customers who would not mind paying money to support the company that has treated them well? I do not think that a community modding/DLC combination has been tried before, but it would be an interesting prospect to see play out. The closest to modding/DLC combination that I can recall was Far Cry 2, but they just had mapping support and I think that their Fortunes Pack DLC actually did rather well... (I myself bought it).

The thing is, Crytek, in all honesty, wasn't ever serious about multi-player. That's just it. They are, of course, serious now, so I'm guessing the game will be supported better. Additionally, I would imagine the budget is there now, so that can't be a problem.

Yes, hopefully you are correct. :)

great topic and very well written
i really hope that being C2 a multi platform game and being just a run&gun game that seam to be the trend now, it will at least have much more sales and i guess with much more clients it will come a bigger responsibility of crytek to better support the game and to give a good image of themselves to the public
i think they will be more committed in providing a good support now and making the game last longer and i really hope they get a good anti cheat system this time

I am also hoping that the multi platform aspect of Crysis 2 will give the developers an extra incentive to provide quality content and support for the game.

Keep the comments/concerns flowing guys!
Nice One Talon.

but even at server admin level you know for sure, that can be a trial at times to weed out the vermin as you put it, so the good ongoing support is quite vital to the success of Crysis 2.

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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:23 am

Nice One Talon.

but even at server admin level you know for sure, that can be a trial at times to weed out the vermin as you put it, so the good ongoing support is quite vital to the success of Crysis 2.


For the multiplayer I would see this a quite necessary. Full support is needed.

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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:03 am


Anyway, hacks will always be in PC games, a way to solve it is to have a vote-kick system. Though this may misused, there is nothing else you can do.

I really hope that you do set aside the 5 or 10 minutes it takes to read the original post, it will be worth your time.

Yes, a vote-kick is certainly a way to help stop it, but that is only half a solution. A vote kick should only ever need to be initiated should the anti-cheat system fail (which is definitely will here and there). Hacks will definitely get through any anti-cheat system, but what can define a good or bad experience is just exactly how many people get past the anti-cheat system (like Modern Warfare 2 anti-cheat = bad experience). If the anti-cheat for Crysis 2 is supported long-term and atleast keeps out 75 to 90% of the hackers after each revision, I would consider that a success. Anti-cheat does half the job, it keeps out the majority of hackers until a real patch can close the hack-holes at the source. When the anti-cheat fails, it is then up to a good admin system and/or vote kick system to be implemented to remove the vermin. Note that Dedicated Servers is by far the best way possible to deal with hackers should they get through the anti cheat. :)

Well, if they plan to do DLC it probs will be long term but if there is DLC i doubt we would get the sandbox because we could just make it

Good points, but how often is content released from the public comparable to a AAA developer? If the developer were to say, release a new weapon, a new gamemode, and a map or two, the public would jump on that like crazy. You are also forgetting that the console audience simply does not have the ability to create its own mods and maps, which will create extra revenue from DLC should it not do well on PC (which it would if it provided quality content at a reasonable cost). In addition, couldn't the sandbox experience help bring out additional happy customers who would not mind paying money to support the company that has treated them well? I do not think that a community modding/DLC combination has been tried before, but it would be an interesting prospect to see play out. The closest to modding/DLC combination that I can recall was Far Cry 2, but they just had mapping support and I think that their Fortunes Pack DLC actually did rather well... (I myself bought it).

The thing is, Crytek, in all honesty, wasn't ever serious about multi-player. That's just it. They are, of course, serious now, so I'm guessing the game will be supported better. Additionally, I would imagine the budget is there now, so that can't be a problem.

Yes, hopefully you are correct. :)

great topic and very well written
i really hope that being C2 a multi platform game and being just a run&gun game that seam to be the trend now, it will at least have much more sales and i guess with much more clients it will come a bigger responsibility of crytek to better support the game and to give a good image of themselves to the public
i think they will be more committed in providing a good support now and making the game last longer and i really hope they get a good anti cheat system this time

I am also hoping that the multi platform aspect of Crysis 2 will give the developers an extra incentive to provide quality content and support for the game.

Keep the comments/concerns flowing guys!
Nice One Talon.

but even at server admin level you know for sure, that can be a trial at times to weed out the vermin as you put it, so the good ongoing support is quite vital to the success of Crysis 2.


Yes, their is a problem of admins not being 100% on who they ban actually being legitimate cheaters, which is why a good and supported anti-cheat is also very important. :)
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:53 am

Have to agree

I suspect that we will get more support, and hope this is the case, anything that makes being admin a little easier, and any form of cheating / hacking harder will do for me, this is gaming at its best when it get good support, its a shame so many pplz want to cheat.

I dont think Gamers generally know how much quality game time an admin can loose out on trying to keep it smooth, in that case yea the vote kick is a help at times, but the real big issue has to be handled better.

Guss :-)
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Naomi Lastname
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:09 am

I gotta give it to you Talon,this is one of the most detailed article i have seen.I hope crytek supports multiplayer for a long time.The state of the fiirst crysis multiplayer is in ruins.Hackers are running everywhere.I was spawn killed 28 times by a dude who was hovering over me,I couldnt do a thing......
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Daddy Cool!
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:12 am

I myself have been a member of gamesas for ages and i have been a player of crysis right from the beginning i am really excited about Crysis 2 and i can't wait for its release.

As we all know crysis slowly died off and i don't know about other countries but for the australian side of crysis wars there was only a few clans including my own keeping the game running i have to say we all became good friends and we see each other in other games and remember the days old days when we played crysis wars :P

Ive noticed everyone is really pumped for the new game and my mates on consoles are keen for crysis 2 and i just hope as we all do that crytek step up there game and learn from there mistakes because if they did it would be gaming heaven :P haha well it would be for me :)

i'm going to be alot more active on the forums and i hope we all get what we want from crysis 2.
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Eve Booker
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:39 am

I gotta give it to you Talon,this is one of the most detailed article i have seen.I hope crytek supports multiplayer for a long time.The state of the fiirst crysis multiplayer is in ruins.Hackers are running everywhere.I was spawn killed 28 times by a dude who was hovering over me,I couldnt do a thing......

Yup, my hope is that the multiplayer is supported for quite a while... I kind of expected this thread to hit the dust, but your revive is welcome. :) I do not understand however, how this thread has barely any responses compared to a demo, which has 18 pages of spam. Seriously people, would you rather have a freaking demo one week before release or multiplayer support for years? Put your support where it freakin' belongs, a demo ain't got nothin' on long term support and care.

I myself have been a member of gamesas for ages and i have been a player of crysis right from the beginning i am really excited about Crysis 2 and i can't wait for its release.

As we all know crysis slowly died off and i don't know about other countries but for the australian side of crysis wars there was only a few clans including my own keeping the game running i have to say we all became good friends and we see each other in other games and remember the days old days when we played crysis wars :P

Ive noticed everyone is really pumped for the new game and my mates on consoles are keen for crysis 2 and i just hope as we all do that crytek step up there game and learn from there mistakes because if they did it would be gaming heaven :P haha well it would be for me :)

i'm going to be alot more active on the forums and i hope we all get what we want from crysis 2.

Thank you for supporting Crysis 2, and welcome to the forums, I hope you enjoy your stay!
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:11 am

Not a problem mate, i'm glad to be back in the gaming scene :)

i'm happy with the forums to its been a while since i have been on gamesas and its changed heaps and looks awesome.
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Aliish Sheldonn
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:45 am

Not a problem mate, i'm glad to be back in the gaming scene :)

i'm happy with the forums to its been a while since i have been on gamesas and its changed heaps and looks awesome.

Well, it's nice to see you back! :)
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