I need my perk script to run once, ONLY when the player attains the perk.
however looking through creation kit at all the different "oneffectstart" "oninit" etc. i couldn't find any script start conditions that would allow me to do this.
I need my perk script to run once, ONLY when the player attains the perk.
however looking through creation kit at all the different "oneffectstart" "oninit" etc. i couldn't find any script start conditions that would allow me to do this.
Could you just use an If-Statement and an int? Your script would run often, but only register when you had the perk?
Actor Property PlayerRef AutoInt PerkDonePerk Property MyPerk Auto Event OnInit() RegisterForSingleUpdate(1.0)EndEvent Event OnUpdate() If ( PerkDone == 0 ) If ( PlayerRef.HasPerk(MyPerk) == 1 ) PerkDone = 1 ;DO STUFF EndIf Else RegisterForSingleUpdate(1.0) EndIfEndEvent
that looks like it will work, thank you very much