Everything but robots ARE exclusive.
And also, This game can only take place in america, and another thing, Europe was destroyed.
Not really, see my reply to that earlier. At least three energy weapons in Fallout are european, holodisks are probably international, I don't see why we wouldn't have mole rats and other mutated european wildlife, eqivalents to all those factions and companies, some counterpart for vaults, remnants of old governments etc...
Europe was destroyed?!?!

Since when? Unless you mean destroyed like everything else in the world, including USA, then I don't get why it matters if Europe is destroyed... although I would have thought the war was mostly between USA, Chine and USSR, countries that had lots of nuclear warheads. Why would they bomb Europe? Europe was no ally of either side. Of course nuclear fallout would hit Europe and cause mutations and ghouls and such, but most of the destruction of Europe I'd imagine would come from all the wars between the nations, trying to get ahold of as much resources as possible since earth ran out of fossil fuel, and the people of these nation revolting against their [censored] governments as power-hungry factions arose. I'd imagine Europe to be a much darker place, dirtier, grittier, completly awful and there would be no powered pre-war tech since Europe didn't rely on nuclear power like USA did... except for maybe goverment buildings and research complexes, and a few nuclear power plants maybe.