How should the series end?

Post » Fri May 13, 2011 10:10 am

The opening says nothing about Europe being destroyed.

That's the only thing the opening says about Europe being destroyed, but it doesn't mention Europe specifically, but the whole planet.

Well, I thought the point was that Europe was very poor due to their resource wars and that they wouldn't be able to afford to contract RobCo, Poseidon, Vault-Tec or West-Tek and that they wouldn't be able to afford to produce Power Armor or Energy Weapons or other such items cause lack of money, resources, time and power struggle.
Which would mean that a game set in France would not have a lot of connection with the Americana games.
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Ann Church
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 6:16 am

Well, I thought the point was that Europe was very poor due to their resource wars and that they wouldn't be able to afford to contract RobCo, Poseidon, Vault-Tec or West-Tek and that they wouldn't be able to afford to produce Power Armor or Energy Weapons or other such items cause lack of money, resources, time and power struggle.
Which would mean that a game set in France would not have a lot of connection with the Americana games.

Why are you so fixed on setting it in France? :P I always picture Germany or Great Britain (or Sweden... nah, kidding) And of course it would be a different Fallout experience since the continents differed a lot from each other in terms of resources, economy, allies and enemies pre-war. But there would be energy weapons, Germany designed two atleast, and Austria one.

I think Germany because of East and West Germany (How did that turn out anyways, with the time split? Since USSR still existed in 2077, did DDR and the Berlin Wall still exist? Did West Germany get American support? Things like that.) and as we all know, germans are good at everything involved with the word "factory" and inventing weapons. So we would have energy weapons. Maybe there'd be a nuclear power plant still standing and running and supplying some energy to some isolated and fenced-in settlements. I'd imagine that the wasteland would be a harder, less frendlier place than in USA. I would also like to know how the post-war East and West Germany turned out, like the west half of the game world is different to the east half of the game world. Maybe the Berlin Wall would still be there, and communism on the east side while it's more like USA on the west side. But still dangerous, because people are living in distress even more so than in USA. People would join groups that are not all too friendly because they will do things to get water and food, and factions like the Followers of the Apocalypse would love to help but wouldn't last, they'd be raided.

And I think Great Britain because it's easier to give a good reason for why they speak english (with a british accent aswell, maybe even some more scottish and irish) and they may had nuclear weapons (sure they are not allied to USA in the Fallout world, but they could still have them, aswell as things running on nuclear). Oh, and cars on the roads would be on the wrong sides aswell (sorry, left traffic joke)
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 5:04 am

Why are you so fixed on setting it in France? :P

Not enough games are set in France, and I think those fancy bastards deserve a good RPG set in their country. ;)
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 8:08 am

Not enough games are set in France, and I think those fancy bastards deserve a good RPG set in their country. ;)

Not many games are set in Sweden either ;) And ain't many WW2 games taking place in France (and Netherlands, and Belgium...) already?

I'd think Berlin, Germany because of the communism/anti-communism that still may be present, and two completly different sides and that we might find energy weapons and robots there (somehow I think it feels right for Germany to have robots, but maybe not Mr. Handy since the housewife things is american)

And for Great Britain I imagine either Newcastle upon Tyne or London. I picture it like Reign of Fire, minus all the dragons :) Maybe that movie is what makes me see a post-apocalyptic Europe seem so dark.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 8:42 am

I'd think Berlin, Germany because of the communism/anti-communism that still may be present, and two completly different sides and that we might find energy weapons and robots there (somehow I think it feels right for Germany to have robots, but maybe not Mr. Handy since the housewife things is american)

Ja und Panzer, zhat is werry Zherman too, we have zhe best Panzer in zhe World, always have.

Seriously, Germany might be a nice location for a game, but I think they should fill Canada and the US up first. Also, as the question is how the game should end, either the game keeps moving forward in time, and the world becomes too civilized (I don't want to see another great war just to keep the series going), or they go back in time (and I think a Fallout Canada taking place round 2100 would be great). Taking the latter approach only gives you a bit more space for games though, as once the entire world is filled up, the series should still end. Chances are though, the series would lose popularity before that happens, resulting in probably the most realistic scenario the series could end, namely, disappointing sales, lack of funds to create a new game that probably wouldn't be profitable etc.

So what I'm trying to say here, just move back in time to straight after the great war.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 8:19 am

Not all super mutants are dying out and there still is FEV in Mariposa. I figured it'd be possible for the V87 and Mariposa Super Mutants to band together for the Master's Cause (Vault 87 being little more than common grunts). The Mariposa Super Mutants being tired of the abuse and mistreatment from NCR and nostalgic of their time under Richard Moreau/Grey/The Master decided to recreate their 'glory' days.

Super Mutants would ressurect the Children of the Cathedral and they'd slowly (but surely), start to gain influence (by ressurect, I mean convert new humans). If they used the V87 FEV they could have plenty of disposable soldiers and if they used the Mariposa FEV they could have plenty of intelligent squad leaders for the V87 Super Mutants. Eventually the Super Mutants would dominate NCR and all of the U.S. because NCR is too spread thin (especially in this reality where they control all of the U.S. in the 26th century, so it'd be easy pickings.)
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 4:53 pm

It'd be cool if a bunch of countries like the NCR
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 7:18 pm

Not all super mutants are dying out and there still is FEV in Mariposa. I figured it'd be possible for the V87 and Mariposa Super Mutants to band together for the Master's Cause (Vault 87 being little more than common grunts). The Mariposa Super Mutants being tired of the abuse and mistreatment from NCR and nostalgic of their time under Richard Moreau/Grey/The Master decided to recreate their 'glory' days.

Super Mutants would ressurect the Children of the Cathedral and they'd slowly (but surely), start to gain influence (by ressurect, I mean convert new humans). If they used the V87 FEV they could have plenty of disposable soldiers and if they used the Mariposa FEV they could have plenty of intelligent squad leaders for the V87 Super Mutants. Eventually the Super Mutants would dominate NCR and all of the U.S. because NCR is too spread thin (especially in this reality where they control all of the U.S. in the 26th century, so it'd be easy pickings.)

Mariposa is an unknown I'll give you that. Opened by the Enclave in FO2 but not closed again but its also possible that the FEV evaporated long ago since it looks like was in FO2. East Coast super mutants are about as smart as a rock. They don't travel outside of DC area. Even if they met up with the Masters Super mutants, the ones that went East in FO Tactics, I doubt they would get along. Also the major flaw in East Coast mutants, they get bigger and dumber as they age. Vault 87 is out of FEV and it did not have anywhere near the amount that Maraposa had.

Children of the Cathedral along with the master went Boom!. If Super Mutants came across Mariposa and there is still FEV it would not be long before NCR did something about it.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 8:47 am

Europe could be fun, they'd just have to do it right. Sure, you'd miss a few things, but those don't make Fallout.
Though if they ever tried, I'm sure it would be a long time from now.

Germany might be fun. With Great Britain though, you could have the whole country on the map, what with your X-box 5000s and your PS12s.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 8:15 pm

Oh wow, Styles. I feel dumb now. Thanks for enlightenment :)
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 1:35 pm

Ja und Panzer, zhat is werry Zherman too, we have zhe best Panzer in zhe World, always have.

Hey! Most of your WW2 panzers were remade from our czech tanks. :P
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 7:01 am

Aliens eat everyone.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 10:26 am

Not many games are set in Sweden either ;) And ain't many WW2 games taking place in France (and Netherlands, and Belgium...) already?

Sweden is boring though, the dangerous animals would be: Yao Guai, Giant Snake, Giant Ant, Wolf, Lo-Djur (Think like a big cat) and maybe hedgehogs.

And yeah, some WWII games are set in France or include France.
Those are shooters.
I want a "good RPG" set in France. ;) (Are there any RPG's set in france?)
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 8:45 am

Sweden is boring though, the dangerous animals would be: Yao Guai, Giant Snake, Giant Ant, Wolf, Lo-Djur (Think like a big cat) and maybe hedgehogs.

And yeah, some WWII games are set in France or include France.
Those are shooters.
I want a "good RPG" set in France. ;) (Are there any RPG's set in france?)

Lodjur would be lynx in english (lynx lynx and not the bobcat, lynx rufus.) And they're cute ^^ But I agree, Sweden would be boring, we're not really an interesting country. Conflict scared, polite, neutrality, and we'd be called communists too (not that I don't mind.) I guess the most interesting you could do involving Sweden would be vikings.

Oh, and don't forget moose! We've got a lot of those
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 11:51 am

I still see the series going for another 3 or 4 games before Bethesda runs out of ideas or places to have a setting for Fallout.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 4:38 am

Well the main Fallout was to End with Van Buren, by main I mean the story of the Vault Dweller would come to an end. Then there was going to be many other fallouts like, Fallout Tactics two and Fallout extreme. Since there is no main story anymore just underlying themes its possible it could keep going but I really do hope it does not keep going on forever because the more the timeline gets away from the Great War the less Fallout it becomes.

Then Rockstar can buy the franchise.

Grand Theft Brahmin: Rivet City
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 1:39 pm

Then it will loose everythign that makes "fallout" Fallout you know....No Vaults, not pre-war companies like Vault- Tec, West Tec, and so forth. No Super mutants, no BoS, no NCR, basiclly no anything we have seen of have back ground on now. Also no 50's prewar landscape as well.

That's fine. I'm not necessarily rigid about "keeping it Fallout". What I find more important is keeping it compelling. As time marches on, it's only natural for society to progress. As far as I'm concerned, they can move it along as far as they want as long as the stories are compelling.

Once we reach the point where the Fallout purists are shrieking, maybe it will be time for another nuke. It's not a stretch to think that man, in his arrogance, will once again marvel at his greatness and ignore all lessons of the past.

War never changes.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 7:09 am

Then Rockstar can buy the franchise.

Grand Theft Brahmin: Rivet City

Omg, imagine the drive-by's in that game, the Rivet City police chasing you on their patrol brahmins, not to speak about the cow tipping.

Then it will loose everythign that makes "fallout" Fallout you know....No Vaults, not pre-war companies like Vault- Tec, West Tec, and so forth. No Super mutants, no BoS, no NCR, basiclly no anything we have seen of have back ground on now. Also no 50's prewar landscape as well.

Europe had a 1950's too you know... and we were pretty nervous being in the middle of two giant nations with [censored]loads of nuclear missiles (especially Sweden with NATO on one side and the Warsaw pact on the other, and we in the middle, "neutral" as always)
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 11:41 am

Honestly, I always viewed Fallout 3: Van Buren as being the ending of the Fallout story, and anything above and beyond that would simply be expansion, politics and the reemergence of nation states and the creation of a new world.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 12:08 pm

Well considering that the Northwest, Midwest, Southeast, most of the Northeast, Mexico, Canada, China, U.K haven't been explored it should last as long as it's fun. Once all those places are done, then redone (I wanna see Megaton 50 years in the future!...besides the nuke ending), we'll probably have to go Killzone and invade the Aliens planet. By then Fallout is probably the Sims plus Call of Duty plus Fallout plus GTA running on a PS15 lmao. Or we're all in the martix.
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James Potter
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 6:26 pm

Well considering that the Northwest, Midwest, Southeast, most of the Northeast, Mexico, Canada, China, U.K haven't been explored it should last as long as it's fun. Once all those places are done, then redone (I wanna see Megaton 50 years in the future!...besides the nuke ending), we'll probably have to go Killzone and invade the Aliens planet. By then Fallout is probably the Sims plus Call of Duty plus Fallout plus GTA running on a PS15 lmao. Or we're all in the martix.

Megaton in the future is either the same, deserted or I mean, why would anyone stay in that [censored]hole? They can make a living in some better buildings than scrap metal stacked on eachother. Or it's deserted by most sane people, left are only the remaining religious nutjobs worshipping the bomb and slowly dying of the radiation or it finally blows up by itself.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 3:26 pm

Megaton in the future is either the same, deserted or I mean, why would anyone stay in that [censored]hole? They can make a living in some better buildings than scrap metal stacked on eachother. Or it's deserted by most sane people, left are only the remaining religious nutjobs worshipping the bomb and slowly dying of the radiation or it finally blows up by itself.

To leave wouldn't make any sense, they have giant stell walls that keep out all raiders, they have water and electricity, there are massive numbers of immigrants who want to live there, Rivet City doesn't have the room for them and it's a long trip. Even if the water system goes out they can supplement that through the brotherhood. Megaton could easily be the cultural and economic center of the waste, while Rivet City could be the scienitific one. After a while problems over water disturbtion would arise and either the Brotherhood and the communites receiving would form some sort of confederation or the BOS would go back to isolationism.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 1:04 pm

The only way for Fallout to "end" would be to have a game where you go back in time and stop The Great War from ever happening.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 12:53 pm

The only way for Fallout to "end" would be to have a game where you go back in time and stop The Great War from ever happening.

Gonna need a spaceship as well.
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helen buchan
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 8:06 am

I don't think it will end unless the franchise is forgotten again, as it seemed to be before FO3 came around. I would like for, after the course of many games, the NCR to reign control over the continent, and the maybe we could visit another continent.
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