» Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:13 am
I hit 50 and noticed the slow down, I'd guess because my skills weren't really leveling up anymore. I started training and managed to hit 73 pretty quickly. I was a pure warrior so I went and leveled up Alternation, Illusion, Conjuration, Restoration, Light Armor, to level 100, all from about 20-25 with exception to Conjuration which was at 60. All except Restoration and Light Armor were very quick, I managed to do them all in about 40 minutes or so. Light Armor and Restoration I did at the same time, they took a while longer although I got the former before the latter. (I used -100% spell cost gear for the spells.)
I was also working on 2 handed weapons, destruction, alchemy, sneak, lock picking, etc. as well as every other skill. Heavy armor, 1 handed weapons, pickpocketing, enchanting, smithing, etc., were all maxed already.
I still didn't have as many perks as I wanted although I was getting close.