Thanks. It was lots of fun, and I'm coming back to it in my spare time this summer (between getting tattoos, smoking cigars and beating up innocent jaywalkers).
If you're not using Streamline and have a messy load order, I can guarantee those are things to look into. My CPU's much less powerful than yours, and the lowest my framerate EVER drops to is 25 (if I'm surrounded by creatures in a city - which never happens unless I want it to). I run at a large resolution and play for hours on end without a framerate drop - with overhaul mods and the whole nine yards.
Getting a smooth load order, using Streamline and checking subtle graphics drivers settings are key.
By 'subtle' I mean things like antialiasing transparency (multi- or super-) if you have it...this causes a HUGE difference when you're outdoors. If you haven't already, Also turn down your in-game Actor Fade, and Spec. Distance. - that greatly reduces the weight of those scripts on your CPU.
If you'd like, post your load order here.
i use BOSS for my loading order, with some minor tweaking (to get deadly reflex to work properly), i am using stremaline, but without FPS smoothing, because i don't like the idea that streamline changes the setts for me
, but i will take a look at my driver config, maybe you're right and exactly there is the key, who knows...
i have a temporary solution to get decent frame rates, but at a high cost, by lowering's the only way for now to stay in the range of 30-80 FPS.
the strange thing is, i only lowered uGridDistantCount from 25 to 21 an that makes such a huge difference (before i was getting 15- max60).
but still this can't be all since i have a, at least for me, to high visual quality loss when lowering this value