» Tue Feb 01, 2011 6:48 pm
Lol, the answer, imho, is rather obvious. A lot of people in this world still haven't gotten out of the 80's and 90's mentality that video gamers are nothing more then a small niche group doing something that lots of people find distasteful. Yes, the reality is the opposite, video gamers are a large majority now-a-days, and the people who play them aren't JUST the "30 year old nerds living in their parents basemant" or "Glasses wearing freaks who play D&D and try to summon demons on their off-time". Unfortunately, there are still older people(it's almost always older people) who are unable to get out of that attitude and grasp how much the world of gaming has evolved. It's just like how there are still KKK groups in the United States, despite the fact that racism is looked down upon by a vast majority of Americans, there are always going to be ignorant bastards who cling to out-dated ideals or unable/unwilling to change with the times(My parents for example, on both of the aforementioned).
The best thing to do is to calmly and rationally try to educate people about why video games aren't a thing of the past, and not just for glasses wearing, dice rolling, demon summoning, pasty faced nerds anymore(also, this is a vast exaggeration, please don't shoot me, I know that even in the 80's and 90's people who played video games weren't all like that, I know I wasn't). Don't raise your voice, don't get heated about it, or it will negate everything you say to them. Show them articles online about how accepted video gaming has become, show them how profitable video games are as a genre. Give them good solid facts and evidence. If they are reasoning, thinking people, they'll realize their stereotype is wrong. If not, well, as I said before, some people just aren't willing to change with the times, and there is just nothing you can do.