Hey, how are you guys doing? I would like to know how to restart the quest "With Friends Like These...". Basically I was just sleeping, awoke with a B telling me to kill one of the guys, and just out of impulse tried to kill her, and it worked, and also unlocked the quest to destroy the dark brotherhood, but after some quick research I discovered that joining the DB is a lot better than destroying them, and now I want to go back. I tried to use the command "setstage DB02", both the 10 and the 30 variants, and they didn't work, if I resurrected her she would act like I was already a member, and if I killed her again and then resurrected her, she would get mad at em and tell me to pay a fine to someone if I want to go back to the DB. Reloading the save is not an option, so please, someone help me, what command do I use to get into the DB, is there even a way to get there after killing her? Can I just pay the fine to the guy and he will accept me in the brotherhood? If I can, where is the guy? Can I reach him, even by spawning him in front of me? Please, answer me.
OBS: No, I didn't complete the quest to destroy the DB, I just told the guard that I killed their leader, and then he told me to talk to another guy, didn't do anything besides that.