Stealth is your armor. The idea is to never been seen and never take damage.
Starting out, you should work on getting your 1H skill up and ahead of all the others. Sneak everywhere but note that until you get your sneak skill up and your 1H, you will not be cutting any throats.
While the left side has an interesting perk at the top, I never forego anything but 1/5 and the right side. Given that and a sneak skill of 75 you will be all but invisible.
Then there's the Illusion tree, well part of it. You can get into the furry and fear stuff but be aware that going that route is an all or nothing event. You can just get to Expert for Invisibility and Quiet casting.
Alteration holds an interest for Detect Life but as already mentioned there is Aura Whisper, which works great.
Staying in the shadows should go without saying, but what if you are in a room of guys? Then it comes down to strategy. Getting the attention of one or two is to your advantage. Simply standing up and jumping will alert them to start looking. They will search for you and as long as you remain crouched, still and in the dark, with the right skill level, they will walk right on top of you and won't see you. Just be patient, until they give up, sheath their weapon and start to walk away.
THIS is when you strike like Grim Reaper of Black Smoke. Sneak up behind them, while they are away from the rest and take them out one at a time.
Once you get Invisibility, it becomes almost stupid. You can cast Invisibility, sneak up behind one in a crowd, cut his throat, cast Invisibility again and sneak back into the shadows. The others will be alerted but you will remain out of sight. Rinse and repeat until they are all gone.