What interested me though is that it said that whilst Bosmer will not use any wood from the Valenwood trees, they will import and use foreign wooden products.
What does this mean about the strictness of the Green Pact? Can Bosmer use wood from other lands for building use, or can they only import ready-made products? Do Bosmer who have emigrated away from Valenwood have to follow it? Can Bosmer eat vegetation from other lands, or are they absolute carnivores? Is it still enforced, ie. do most Bosmer families still bring their children up to follow the green pact? Do Bosmer ever break the green pact? What are the repercussions of doing this, facing the wrath of Y'ffre or is it just frowned upon?
I'm not much of a lore buff, so forgive me if I have overlooked something massively obvious or have gotten anything wrong with what I've gathered about the Green Pact so far.
Any help would be much appreciated, thank you in advance